Editor’s Note: The lack of true virtue and authentic masculinity among priests after Vatican II has become notorious. But cases like this one make one shake one’s head in sadness.
If you would like to pray for Pope Francis, FromRome.info suggests this prayer, and we are not ashamed to share it.
It is not inapropos to observe that this YouTube Channel was entitled,, “The Sacristy of the Vendee”, because the Catholic rebels of the Vendee, in France, at the time of the revolution, did rebel, but also did eventually surrender. So their name was a true reflection of the spirituality they practiced.
Think of a world without Christianity, A world without hope morality or specific date and time of year celebration that even include star alignment.
As predicted, this will be the last pope, he has single handedly destroyed HOPE, and values and the Calibration and Christ teachings “The Fat ass panders to every venue “Carpet bagging” global warming. illegal immigration and refused to deny the sacrament to the U.S. Catholic President and Catholic Speaker of the House Nacy Pelosi with their agenda on abortion and the euthanasia of the young third trimester Killing. This sniveling pope has done more to destroy the faith than any other pope in its entire History.