ITALY: Bishop of Modena defends art in which Christ is raped by a Sodomite

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11 thoughts on “ITALY: Bishop of Modena defends art in which Christ is raped by a Sodomite”

  1. There is also a station of the cross in which Jesus is being
    raped by a sodomite after He has fallen. It boggles the mind that
    it remains on the wall! There were no protests etc?? I stopped
    attending mass after that, for fear of my life. I struggled between
    my duty to attend mass or my loyalty to Jesus. My loyalty won out. I am still Catholic, just waiting on the sidelines wondering.
    St Michael defend us!

  2. Catholic men please do your duty and tear down this evil garbage and throw the satanist criminals in shepherd’s clothing out into the streets as a bouncer might.

  3. What a hideous blasphemy and abomination!!
    Truly horrifying to see our precious Lord treated
    with such a vile lack of reverence and respect!

    This a heretical pope allowing & promoting this odious display,
    Our church is devoid of sound moral leadership.
    Many in church leadership being puppeteered by satan.
    Whitened sepulchers full of dead mens’ bones…
    wolves in sheep’s clothing…
    Trust only in God…

    1. No, these are all CIA chosen Bishops. What they are doing is not of God. If you still trust in God, fight to get them removed from office.

  4. In confession, we pledge to avoid near occasions of sin.
    That is to avoid people and places of sin. What I do about
    my bishop who was a room mate of the infamous McCarrick?
    Also, he was the same person who notified the FBI of the
    Latin rite folks because they complained to him. I would
    love to attend mass again but I really want to feel safe as
    well. What group (of priests) is safe??

    1. If you want to make your diocese safe, try to form a group of like minded Catholics, and then fund the hiring of a private detective to dig up all the skeletons in your Bishops closet, and then dump the information anonymously to all the newspapers and TV channels in your State. And do the same with every crazy priest. We do not have a Holy Office of Inquisition, so we laity have to do it this way.

      But yes, if you know your bishop is collaborating with the government to spy upon you at Mass, then your strict obligation to go to Mass on Sunday lapses in his diocese. Go to mass when you can in another diocese, and when you cannot stay home and say a rosary and make spiritual communions praying the Lord Jesus to send you holy priests.

  5. I am deeply grateful for your guidance!
    Thank you so much! May Heaven always
    smile upon you!

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