USA: In 2022 Congress passed law to enable seizure & arrest of all Small Businessmen

Editor’s Note: In a report which was ignored by all the opposition outlets in 2022, the U. S. Congress established a new requirement for all small businesses to register the names, identities, and current addresses of all small businessmen and all members of their companies, partnerships and LLCs which have important decision making roles, including that of the General Council. As the article states above, the regulation violates 6 constitutional principles. The Small Business Owners of America have sued the government to stop the implementation of the law, the requirement to observe which goes into effect 90 days after the formation of any new entity in 2024, and by Dec. 2024 for all entities pre-existing. — Compliance with this regulation will enable the government to arrest or harass all those persons necessary in any entity which does business, when they disagree with the Great Reset or when the govt. wants to seize their assets and obstruct their activity. — I agree totally with the author above who takes the law which established the requirement apart.

USA: Federal Reserve has lost 1 Trillion Dollars, paid off with worthless I.O.U.’s

Editor’s Note: The US Federal Reserve Bank is a private entity created by the US Congress in 1913. Its purpose was ostensibly to protect banks from failure and stabilize the financial system. It operates by the requirement of all banks to keep a certain percentage of their deposits on account with the Federal Reserve.

To understand the magnitude of the recent posted loss of more than 110 Billion dollars by the Federal Reserve, let’s take a look at some basic facts about the U.S. Financial system.

First the money supply ranges from 20 to 22 Billion Dollars. That is all the money which moves through the economy. So by this measure the Federal Reserve has lost about 5 cents on every dollar a US resident may use at any time.

Second, the total assents of the Federal Reserve Bank were only about 9 Billion dollars in 2022. So by this measure the Federal Reserve has lost 100 times more than it is worth.

Third, the total deposits in all Banks in the USA in 2022 were about 18 Trillion Dollars. So by this measure the Federal Reserve Bank, which is supposed to protect the financial system, has lost more than 5.5% of all monies on deposit.

If these facts do not make you worried about where the value of the U. S. Dollar is headed, I think you are foolish. And if you are a resident of the USA and are putting your savings in dollars, I think you are very imprudent.

There are not many options in the USA for investors wanting to protect their assets, right now. First because precious metal sellers in the USA are allowed to charge exorbitant fees on all transactions, making converting cash to gold or silver more costly than any other financial transaction. Real Estate would be usually a good investment, since it appreciates in value when currencies devalue, but recent speculation by Jewish controlled investment funds on Wall Street has so over priced properties that many are selling much as 100% more than market value. At the same time, its not prudent to take a mortgage, since interest rates are at a 20 year high.

Personally I think no one with assets in U.S. Dollars should be comfortable with this recent report from the Federal Reserve, as it shows fiduciary irresponsibility at an intollerable level for all who want to protect the value of their assets. — And yes, this is all part of the planned financial crisis which the Globalists are preparing to usher in the Great Reset of 2030: to make all banks fail and all currencies valueless, so that all must accept a monthly minimum income doled out by the state for those who go along, being happy with owning nothing.

In the meantime study carefully the value of investments and do not convert your assets from one form into another without taking a very careful look at who is selling, what the value of it really is, and what the feeds on the transaction are. And then ask yourself if the risk of converting and of holding the new asset really provides any more security than your current portfolio.

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or accredited agent. Do not take my advice blind, but seek a professional. But be careful since most financial advisors in the U.S.A. are incompetent and crooked and see a potential client coming for advice as a victim to be defrauded in some investment scheme. I know this from numerous relatives and friends who have been cheated out of large sums.


CHINA: Govt. arrests 200 Catholics for gathering in unapproved Mass?

Editor’s Note: It is not certain what happened or who was arrested, since one has to read between the lines regarding any news out of the CCP Dictatorship in China. But it appears that these 200 Christians were members of an unregistered “underground” Catholic Church, since they call themselves “Sola Fide” in Latin. The “underground” Catholic Church is the term used to refer to the true Catholics who rejected from the start the State control of the Catholic Church which began under Mao Tse Tung. For decades they celebrated only in Latin and they are returning to a clandestine existence after Bergoglio during his antipapacy sold them like sheep to wolves with his canonical fake agreement with Peking.

ROME: 1000 Tractors will occupy the City, if authorities refuse use of Beltway GRA

Editor’s Note: Friday will be the day on which Farmers across Italy protest against the Meloni Govt. for proposing that they be forced to purchase diesel with the standard road-taxes added. Like in many countries across Europe and even in the U.S.A., diesel used for off road purposes is not taxed at the higher levels which are designed to restrict automobile use and fund the construction of roads and highways.

Rome, being surrounded by a beltway highway which encircles the City — the GRA: the Gran Raccordo Annuale or “the Great Ring-Way” — is very capable of welcoming Tractors protesting along the GRA. But the Department of the Interior is very reluctant to allow this due to the fact that Rome becomes impossible to enter or leave when there is the slightest obstruction on the GRA.

The Farmers are demanding the use of the GRA for Friday’s protest, or else they threaten to enter the city and proceed to the Capitol, where the President officially resides.

Farmers are arriving from all parts of Italy at the speed of a tractor, to make the protest on Friday one of the largest seen. If only citizens united with the Farmers they could bring down the government. But Italians usually never collaborate for their own interest.

VATICAN: Pope Francis calls Catholics hypocrites for opposing “Gay Blessings”

Editor’s Note: When Vladimir Putin knows his theology, anatomy and biology better than the Pope, you know there are problems in the Vatican. — This statement by Pope Francis is another piece of evidence that he is a homo-heretic.

 Pope Francis also has a bad conscience, because no one ever said that one must bless every capitalist or business man. In fact no one has the right to a blessing. Each priest has the discretion to bless or not, but he cannot bless someone in public sin. — What Pope Francis seems to be saying is that Sodomites have the right to be blessed on any occasion, and that it is a sin to refuse them. Whatever may be the psychological projection he is under, that is simply not true and heretical.

If you find Pope Francis’ position totally revolting and heretical, do what many true Catholics have done and join the Sutri Initiative asking the Bishops of the Roman Province that he be deposed from the papacy for heresy. All you have to do is write the  1, several or all of the 15 Bishops of the Roman Province and ask them to do it.

Meanwhile, no Pope in history will be able to be condemned in Judgement Day with his own words for his every fault as this Pope, for denouncing others for his own sins and vices.

It is obvious that Pope Francis suffers from a reprobate sense, which according to St. Alphonsus is the disposition of spirit found in deeply impenitent sinners who are destined to damnation. I am glad that he is upset that his “Gay blessings” have been rejected by large portions of the Faithful and Church. Maybe this sorrow will bring him faster to judgement.

Mario Derksen, publisher is a German National & Revert

Editor’s Note: As long time readers of FromRome.Info may remember, I used to occasionally make reference to the errors published at one of the most popular and vitrolic Sedevacantist websites, which constantly insists Catholics should obey Pope Francis and shut up. — As AJ Baalman and myself have often discussed in our talks over at OrdoMilitaris.Net one of the abiding characteristics of all the “Catholic” influencers who insisted Pope Benedict XVI validly resigned or who insist that you should obey Pope Francis are converts or reverts to the faith. Click the image above to read the short biography of Mario Derksen, which shows how he never was grounded well in the Catholic Faith and began preaching before learning. He became a U.S. citizen in 2001.  — He shares the same birthday as Pope Benedict XVI, April 16. Now that must have irked him! occasionally publishes information about popular Catholic websites to keep the Catholic public informed about who is behind the websites which are frequently quoted in the English speaking Catholic world online.

Why are so many “Catholic” influencers targeting Cardinal Burke?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

In recent weeks there has been a barrage of attacks on Cardinal Burke, blaming him for the problems in the Church.

The utter insanity of such a rational is absurd on its face. But that was the substance of the attack by Ann Barnhardt on Nov. 27, 2023, just before Pope Francis issued ‘Fiducia supplicans’. And just after Pope Francis called the Cardinal “my Enemy”. — One really wonders why Barnhardt attacked the Cardinal as soon as Pope Francis called for an attack?

Then there was the recent attack from an anonymous source, who claims to have met personally with Pope Francis, which attack was published by Catholic Monitor — a blog run by a laymen out of Oklahoma who has 0 qualifications to comment on Church affairs and who is otherwise unknown to the world. That attack was published here. Recently Catholic Monitor has called on Cardinal Burke to convene an imperfect Council — i. .e. one which has no canonical status — to depose Pope Francis: a thing which no Cardinal has the authority to do, and such a council as would have no authority to act. A glorious misfire.

But what I really wonder about the Borgata post over at Catholic Monitor is how a layman in Oklahoma is so well known by someone in Rome, who has access to Pope Francis? That seems indeed strange, since many in Rome — where I have lived for 4 years — have no such contacts. And why would anyone in the Roman Curia trust an anonymous blogger in Oklahoma to get his message out? — I am assuming for charity sake that the letter is not a forgery.

Then there is Mark Docherty, a Catholic businessman who is so loyal to Barnhardt, that you could almost call him her side-kick or foil. He posted a comment in reply to Cardinal Burke’s solicitation for information at his personal website, which is a lot more respectful than Ann Barnhardt’s, but asks him to investigate the election of Pope Francis in 2013. We only know of Mark’s petition because of Ann Barnhardt’s post about it on January 24, 2024.

Why Cardinal Burke won’t reply

Cardinals are not social media personalities — at least they should have more discretion than that. And nearly all do. And Cardinal Burke is one of the most discrete.

But he is also humble and prudent. He knows what he can do as a Cardinal and of those things, what should be done which would be constructive.

That is why he will never reply. Because if you ask him something that canonically he has not responsibility or duty or right to do, what do you expect he will say? Canonically, if he does not reply in 90 days, then you should understand that he has said no.

And no, the Cardinal has no duty to reply to persons who simply want to milk him for a publicity stunt to get likes, favs and shares of their social media posts. Nor is is obliged to respond to  every lonely divorced woman out there (Ann Barnhardt) or uninformed layman (Mark Docherty et alia.).

It is not that Cardinal Burke has never replied to reasonable requests, even to deny them. I know of individuals who have requested things withing his power and discretion, and he does reply politely to say no or yes.

But Cardinal Burke is not the man to write to

And for a variety of reasons, it must be said, that all these voices demanding that Cardinal Burke take action are merely wasting your time and his. His in receiving them — if they are even mailed to him, because if they are not mailed to him, then he has no obligation to reply — and you are in reading of them, since they are not written by serious or informed persons.

So if you want an investigation into the election of 2013 or into whether Pope Francis be a Catholic, or if you want Pope Francis removed from office or excommunicated, you can only obtain these things in one way, by petitioning the Bishops of the Roman Province to call a Provincial Council. And anything you write will be a waste of time unless you make your request in the proper way and for canonically valid reasons. And one way of doing that was already published in October of last year, but none of these voices attacking or appealing to Cardinal Burke has spoken about it.

I would hate to think or say that they remain silent for 4 months, because they actually hate me more than they love the Church.

But, don’t demand that any Cardinal write the Bishops of the Roman Province, because as Cardinals of the Roman Church most of them think their duty is first to the Pope and then to themselves and only last to the Church; by which they govern all their actions and exercise too great a deference to a Pope in error, or who gives public scandal. You may disagree with their approach, but that is how they got to be Cardinals. And as for Cardinal Burke, he has already led 2 public appeals (Dubia) which is more than the other 200+ Cardinals have done.

So stop pestering the wrong man.




100 Masonic Errors you were trained to believe

Republished FROM May 31, 2021

Suggested Errors you should unteach yourself & your children

If you were wondering why modern man does not rebel against injustice, the Scamdemic revealed why: most are totally psychologically controlled by the Main Stream Media, despite how much they may criticize it. The whole reality they believe in is a lie; they don’t have the ability to even see it!

Here is a list of lies you were trained to believe with greater loyalty than even Christian Faith:

1) Democracy is the best form of government
2) Your vote is counted
3) Your elected official serves you
4) The Masonic Lodge is not Satanic
5) The godless have just as much right to vote and govern as the faithful Christian
6) It’s safer for everyone if a Christian is not put in power
7) Liberty requires that the Gospel not influence law and court decisions
8) Man evolved from an ape
9) Aliens probably exist, but angels are a myth
10) The Bible contains error
11) The Bible was not written by those it claims as its authors
12) Jesus did not say exactly what He is recorded to have said
13) There is Christianity outside the Catholic Church
14) There is salvation for the non Christian, non Catholic
15) Most people go to Heaven
16) No one is evil
17) Globalists have your best interests at heart
18) The Right is not led by Masons/Satanists
19) Christians should leave politics to secularists
20) Catholicism is a source of division
21) Divorce is good
22) Women only have value working as men
23) Big families are evil
24) Pope Benedict XVI resigned validly
25) Wall Street is fair
26) Your Government is controlled by the people
27) Your military is dedicated to defending you
28) Your police respect the Constitution
29) Your doctor is not a quack
30) An expensive college education makes you smarter or better informed
31) The history you learned in public school was not Masonic propaganda
32) Vatican II was the best thing that happened to the Church
33) Thinking about Hell is bad for you
34) Mortal sin is not that bad
35) Abortion is a right
36) Marijuana is not morally degrading
37) The man should not rule over his wife
38) Western Civilization before 1789 is evil
39) Christianity caused the Dark Ages
40) Capitalism caused science
41) You should always obey without question
42) Being divisive is the worst crime and sin
43) No Pope has betrayed Christ
44) Your pastor would not lie to you
45) Its not dangerous to have gays in the clergy
46) The Supreme Court is always to be obeyed, even when wrong
47) If it is legal, it is o.k.
48) If you are paid by the government you must enforce wicked, evil or unjust laws
49) You have no rights but what the State says you have
50) The Allies liberated Europe
51) America did not create Hitler or the Soviet Union
52) The Right and Left are actually enemies
53) Christians could never win an election
54) Christians should never get angry
55) Christians should never start a revolution against Masons, Fascists or Marxists
56) It is wrong to resort to violence, even for a just cause
57) European colonization was evil
58) Chinese colonization is good
59) Pagans are innocent
60) Jews never persecuted anyone
61) In World War II more Jews died than Christians
62) The Allies committed no war crimes
63) The US Government had nothing to do with the deaths of Patton, Kennedy or John Paul I
64) The US Government has never manipulated a Papal Conclave
65) Trump’s family has no ties to the Brown Brothers Harriman Bank or the Skull and Bones Lodge
66) There is never any condition under which you can refuse obedience or taxes to your government
67) A government which allows abortion is not criminal nor illegitimate
68) Those who promote abortion are not enemies of humanity
69) A mother who has an abortion is not a murderer
70) It is extreme and insensitive to hold that abortionists should be hung
71) Catholics killed more people during the inquisition than any Modern State has killed political dissidents in that last 100 years
72) It was evil for Catholic Kings to expel Jews and Muslims from their realms.
73) The State should register births and marriages
74) The State has the right to tax citizens without their annual renewed consent
75) Public education is good
76) Vaccines are good and necessary
77) Big Tech is private industry not backed by the Deep State
78) It is easy to repent of sin and rediscover the truth
79) Journalists rarely lie
80) A Government without Christ can be just
81) Christianity flourished in the Dark Ages because people did not have science
82) Christians can only live in peace with Jews by allowing Jews to rule over them or along side them
83) The Modern State of Israel is a popular movement, not a construct of the Rothschilds
84) Israel is an ally of the West
85) Christian persecution is rare
86) The Christian holocausts of the 19th/20th/21st centuries are minor events
87) Poland’s best ally is the USA
88) Christians should not re-establish Catholic Monarchies
89) The Masonic Lodge is not an in international mafia of psychopaths
90) Paper money has value
91) You should declare all your personal information or income to the godless masonic state
92) Your government is not watching you
93) Your government is not planning your genocide
94) Your government will defend your rights
95) Your courts are fair
96) Politicians who commit crime or fraud on a massive scale should not be hung
97) The people should never rebel against the Masonic Order, since it is the pinnacle of civililzation
98) The Media Personalities you admire are not agents of the deep state
99) Laymen will save the Church
100) The pursuit of Christian Holiness is not important.

This is only a short list. We recommend to all parents to teach this list, and the contrary truths, to their families.