UK Diocese of Hexham & Newcastle aided Muslim acid-attacker sex-offender

Editor’s Note: Aided, here means, used UK Government funds or NGO funds from Globalist organizations funded by European Governments, to pay his expenses. — Don’t be fooled by the British Press who since 16th century has always wanted to pin the crimes and faults of the British Establishment on the Catholic Church.

Why would a Catholic Diocese — and a conservative one at that — be aiding and abetting a sex-offender, illegal immigrant and now Islamic terrorist? To please the false political and social doctrines which Pope Francis preaches daily. That is why.

For that reason, any Catholic journalist who hides information about how to remove Pope Francis from office legally, is morally complicit in all the above crimes.

Ask your favorite Catholic journalist, on Twitter or FaceBook, why he won’t report on the Sutri Initiative.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

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