Editor’s Note: FromRome.info was first to report that Pope Francis’ health was in serious decline, just days ago. Now this report that he is evidently unable to stand long enough to say daily Mass.
5 thoughts on “VATICAN: Pope Francis no longer able to say Daily Mass due to health issues”
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Prayers heard. Strickland is in good health.
Strickland for Pope!
It will be important for the Church that the Bishop’s get on with calling a provincial council because if Pope Francis dies before that we may very well need to deal with Francis II.
Whoever is the next Pope needs to be Catholic, and have a firm grasp of Canon law.
Divine Providence will be enacting “the biological solution” on Cdl J-M Bergoglio soon……maybe very soon……?
So we all need to pray for Pope Francis, that he confesses and humbly repents of all his manifest personal sins, and grievous “sins of omission’ in relation to his worldwide ‘flock’, and promises to amend the errors of his ways in his remaining time on this mortal earth whilst doing appropriate Penance as instructed by a valid Roman Catholic priest who, we may also pray, has been able to adminster Absolution……
Kyrie eleison;
Christe eleison;
Kyrie eleison.