Archbishop Viganò: To remain silent at the injustice to Bishop Strickland is complicity

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5 thoughts on “Archbishop Viganò: To remain silent at the injustice to Bishop Strickland is complicity”

  1. I am pleased to report that our priest was NOT silent on this matter and had plenty to say about it at Mass this morning.

    1. You are blessed. At the Church here in the USA where I attended, there was 0 mention of it, but at the prayers of the faithful they added a prayer to prevent Global Warming and obtain repentance of those who abuse Mother Earth. I walked out, and wont return to that conventicle of heretics.

  2. The abomination is standing on holy ground. Our redemption is near. Let us lift up our heads as Our Lord told us to do.

    Do you see Br. Bugnolo why God took you out of Rome? Let’s see how many Cardinals’ bodies can this pope jump over.


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