Son of WEF co-founder, calls for arrest of Gates, Schwab & DeathVaxx pushers

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8 thoughts on “Son of WEF co-founder, calls for arrest of Gates, Schwab & DeathVaxx pushers”

  1. Difficult to believe that a group who wants the major population reduction is turning on eachother before they reach their objective. To my mind, it seems more likely that this is part of the theatre necessary to control the great awakening.

    1. He found that he is dying from the DeathVaxx, and so has seen the light, which imminent death only gives.

    2. The only so-called great awakening I’ve read anything about is just another chapter in Kabbalist occultism. The theater is to give a fake crisis with real casualties, and then introduce “heroes” like the tranny-effer drug addict Alex Jones, to “fight back.”

      The Pillar of Mercy and Pillar of Severity, just like the fake conflict between SSPX and JPII and now Francis. It is an alchemical magick operation that maps onto the blasphemous “Tree of Life” in Kabbalah, the “Emanations” of us realizing our own god-hood and deciding what is evil and good for ourselves.
      I could spot this quickly because I lived with a sorcerer from the Ordo Templi Orientis for nearly a year, whose clerical hierarchy is also known as le Eglise Gnostique Catholique (the Gnostic Catholic Church, of which Mariano Cdl. Rampolla del Tindaro was a confirmed member).

      The real celestial Tree of Life is Mary, and the fruit of her womb is the perfect sacrifice since His presentation in the Temple, and of His flesh we must feast.

      The theater of the world, and of the “Great Awakening” is just another Masonic hoodwink. Just like the two-party system in the USA.

      1. Hi Francisco

        I was imprecise with my terminology. By using the term “great awakening” I meant the realization by the common man that there is a great evil in this world that pushed most people to be vaccinated with a substance that is damaging.

  2. Some state attorney should be doing that. Too bad they are all in Soros’ pocket.

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