“Synod” is applying a Cultural Marxist re-write to the Catholic Faith

Commentary and Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Readers of FromRome.Info know that I nearly never cite anything from the National Catholic Reporter – the infamous Modernist propaganda sheet published in the United States of America. But this time, it will be useful, because the techniques for altering the faith in the most devious way, as are being enacted at the “Synod on Synodality” are on full display in this article by Christopher White, from Oct. 23rd last.

White is a graduate of the Jesuit University, Fordham, and has been embraced by all the major news outlets controlled by the CIA in the United States. So we should expect authentic Skull and Bones disinformation, and he does not disappoint us.

In the first sentence, he redefines the Church, by including the non-Catholic members of the  “Synod” in it.

Next, he weaves a narrative in which listening to the Holy Spirit by accepting the Sacred, Divine, and Ecclesiastical Traditions which He has wrought in the Church and for the Church over 4000+ years are “traps” which must be avoided by those listening to the true “Spirit”.

I do not know what kind of infantile minds are going to buy into that rewrite, but its charming to know that he is trying hard to put a sugar coating on pure heresy.

He then presents this rewrite as being faithful to the teaching of Pope Benedict XVI! All the while criticizing those attached to the past (read Ancient Roman Rite which was promoted strongly by Pope Benedict!).

White must really think that we are going to believe his little trite article and dump our own personal memories of the last 20 years.

You see, White is setting up “Living Tradition” as the authentic tradition of the Church in opposition to Sacred Tradition (Divine Revelation), Divine Tradition (Christ’s teachings) and Apostolic Tradition (Apostolic teaching) or even Ecclesiastical Tradition (Patristic and Magisterial).

And that is why his article is such a good source of information about how to proceed in a Provincial Council to depose Jorge Mario Bergoglio for heresy. White spells it out in simple terms.

White drops the news, also, that the “Synod on Synodality” which is composed of rank and pertinacious heretics within and without the Church, is going to publish a Letter to the People of God explaining their experience — read, “telling them what to think”. I bet its going to be the Heretical equivalent of a Marxist Manifesto.

White ends with reminding us to think of “which side we are on” and distance ourselves from the “dry, sterile way of thinking” of the past.

This is about as close you can come to blaspheming the Holy Spirit, without mentioning His Sacred Name, while at the same time saying without saying, “Give your souls to Satan, as we have done!”.


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6 thoughts on ““Synod” is applying a Cultural Marxist re-write to the Catholic Faith”

  1. br can you tell me what you will do if your worst fears come to pass. will you go into schism? will you join a group of like minded? i am asking because i am reminded of the apostles in Matthews gospel who, when asked are they too to leave our Lord retort “where will we go?” this has been used in the pass to show the catholic church is the true church and there is NOWHERE else to go. God bless you.

    1. I will never go into schism, because I want to stand always with Christ. I do not fear the future. I know that God will soon intervene and put an end to this crisis, either by moving mens souls to clean up the Church, or calling Bergoglio to justice and then inspiring the Cardinals to elect a restorer.

  2. thank you br. my local priest has stood at the pulpit stating that if anything coming from the synod contradicts what our Lord said while He was among us, he will not relay it us. thanks be to God i have at least found one good shepherd.

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