Monthly Archives: September 2023
Attorney Todd Callender: The Marburg Plandemic will be released in October, Zombie Apocalypse to follow
Editor’s Note: I do not know what source Dr. Ruby has for an October release, though I speculated months ago that the release would be in October, here. [UPDATE: From Dr. Ruby’s Gab account, it appears that her statement about October is an inference based on the CDC’s statement about September being the Preparedness Month.]
Dr. Rashid Buttar foretold the next Plandemic as containing Marburg and other pathogens, back in May, before he died-on-signal. — FromRome.Info is one of the few journals which has been keeping its readers informed on a nearly daily basis of this coming threat. Subscribe (below) to receive our daily reports and updates.
More Background on the 5G release tech, and the preparation in US Law for Marburg Epidemics, passed in March 2020. He also explains the intentional protocol used to kill persons in hospitals under the appearances of treating them for a pandemic. Attorney Callender says US Hospitals intentionally killed 1 million persons in this manner.
More background on the 1P36 Gene Deletion Syndrome, here below. From what appears in this article, this gene deletion syndrome only affects the natal and post natal early development of the human brain; and if that is so, the “Zombie Apocalypse” is a mis-applied term, since this will only affect newborns, not adults.
PLANDEMIC WATCH: Insane Levels of Gagging on Twitter signals Plandemic 2.0 is soon to be launched
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Twitter (now calling itself X) has begun to implement new, insane levels of censorship, never seen before. — I know that that might sound impossible, considering past reports, but it’s true.
Nearly no truth speakers are getting their tweets seen by anyone. Truth Stream Media is getting less views than 1% of their followers in 20 minutes.
But anti-globalists are getting even less with less than 24 views per tweet per hour, regardless of whether they have their tweet shared by accounts which collectively reach 10K or 100K.
This level of silencing is Gag-You levels. The zeal to implement this is at a Jihad-like level.
As one twitter account put it, “If you posted your tweet on your office door knob, more people would see it than on twitter!”
And this all began in the last 48 hours.
So I infer from this that it may be that the next Plandemic’s launch is imminent.
It seems the social isolation strategy will be to shut down all communication except TV and radio.
I wait to see what kind of games will be played on cellphones and Whatsapp.
I have noticed that cellphone signals even at 4G wavelengths have increased substantially in strength and range in the last 2 weeks.
When you use your cellphone to communicate or gather information, you are immediately fingerprinted and identified, however.
If they do not want us to communicate electronically, it appears that the strategy will be a massive hard lockdown, in which it becomes illegal even to go outside or talk to another human being.
The only thing is, they do not have the police forces to do this in most places.
Maybe they will also launch a system where you get perks of liberty if you report your neighbors?
Things are not looking good.
A Message to Young Zealous Catholics: What is true devotion to the Martyrs of the Vendée?
For a complete list of Br. Bugnolo’s videos in the Series, TRUE DEVOTION, click here.
IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO, YOU WILL WANT TO WATCH, “True Devotion to Christ the King”.
A Brief presentation by Ordo Militaris Radio / TV about the War of the Vendée, here.
Br. Bugnolo is a co-founder of Ordo Militaris Catholicus, an international catholic security initiative to help Catholics who are being persecuted. You can read more about them, here.
How the U.N. oversaw the Genocide of Bosnia – Part I
Michael Matt tells the story of the Genocide of Catholics during the French Revolution
Editor’s Note: Michael Matt spoke at the Vendée conference, on Sept. 2, 2023, which was started by someone featured on Fox News. How could that be? — As I have often said, the Globalists have no problem if we talk, commemorate and honor the Catholics of the Vendée, because those Catholics lost. They were reactionaries, and reactionaries always lose, because they react withing the narrative imposed on them, rather than preparing for victory before any reaction is necessary. In fact, Matt reveals why this strategy loses, because “merely wanting to be left alone” is not enough against Freemasonry, for Masons only make treaties to prepare a better attack later on. — Michael Matt is the publisher of The Remnant, a traditionalist Catholic newspaper, published by his family since the 1960’s. He is a graduate of Christendom College, which was founded by 3 CIA agents. He is also the great-great-great-grandson of a Frankist Jew who converted to Catholicism in German during the 19th century.
UPDATE — Here is the real story of the Vendée, from a Catholic point of view. Watch it to learn the difference in presentation:
Creationism — Part II: How the terms “Evolutionism” and “Creationism” differ
In this second installment of a multi-part lecture, Br. Alexis Bugnolo, B. A. Cultural Anthropology, and translator of St. Bonaventure’s, “On the Creation and Fall of Angels and Men” (Commentaria in Secundum Librum Sententiarum Magistri Petri Lombari), presents a brief explanation of the differences between the words “creationism” and “evolutionism”, and explains why this is important to address, before continuing the discussion with anyone over the origins of the world.
You can view Part I of this series, here.
In Part III, Br. Bugnolo will briefly review the various theories of “Creationism”, which “creationists” themselves hold.
The Jewish Anti-Defamation League was founded to defend a Pedophile-Murderer, Leo Frank
Editor’s Note: in the Headline of this article, by “defend”, “defend the memory of” is intended.
Leo Frank was found guilty, and sentenced to death, by the court, but that sentence was commuted to life in prison by the Governor of Georgia, whereupon a mob broke Leo Frank out and take him to the home town of Mary Fagan, his victim, where they lynched him. — The ADL was founded subsequently to defend Jews from “prejudice” and in particular to defend the memory of Frank, whom they hold was innocent to this day.
But knowing the facts of the case make it clear what the motivation of the founders of the ADL truly were.
These facts are not unimportant to us Catholics, too, because the victim in this case, Mary Fagan, was a Roman Catholic. — Let us pray for her soul and her family relations, who still survive to this day.
Finally, this video shows the excellent system of justice which prevailed in the United States of America in 1913-5, and how all parts of the justice system considered the complex array of evidence in this case fairly and equitably. It should not surprise that after a century of work by organizations committed to other goals, that that system is now in total disarray.
USA: A video collection of Plandemic 2 Fear Porn from August
In the comments below, is your opportunity to share your best push backs to this trash, so as to give others ideas of how to sound out. The shorter the sweeter…
Remembering St. Pius X, the greatest Pope since the French Revolution
PLANDEMIC WATCH: New York City Police to begin Drone Surveillance of Private Gatherings
19 Experts speak on how to RESIST the next Plandemic, on live interview
ITALY: ex-Prime Minister says France shot down flight 870 at request of USA
MONGOLIA: Welcoming ceremony for Pope Francis
Biden admits that the DeathVaxxes did not work!
We’ve won the narrative. Biden himself admits they did not work. — But perhaps by”works” means “did not kill enough people”.
GERMANY prepares for intensive DeathVaxx Campaign in Fall
US Department of Defense to deploy AI to war against “free thought”
Kirsch interviews Yeadon on the dangers from the upcoming Plandemic, Great Reset
Pope Francis visits Mongolia
How the Abbasid Empire created Islam, Muhammed & Mecca in the 8th Century
Editor’s Note: This documentary which is an amazing collection of historical information gathered by Islamic Scholars during the last 100 years is a must watch for Christian clergy and those who have a college degree. Though it is highly technical, throughout, it presents the historically verifiable evidence which demonstrates that the Islamic religion is a myth created by an empire, and that the Islamic Muhammed never existed. — Knowing these facts is essential for Christians involved in bringing the truth of the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. — St. Hildegard of Bingen said that in the end, all Islam will convert to Christ. Sharing the information such as is contained in this documentary is the way forward.