UK: Leaked emails prove that the Pandemic was a total Scam

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One thought on “UK: Leaked emails prove that the Pandemic was a total Scam”

  1. Hancock was part of the UK’s criminal, murdering cabal during 2020/1 alongside PM Boris Johnson, Chief “Medical Adviser” Chris Witty and Chief “Scientific Adviser” Patrick Vallance……

    If there was any true justice for genocide, deliberate mental & physical disability to people of all ages, and economic ruin on a national scale, these despicable & repulsive & wicked individuals would either be: 1] “behind bars” for the rest of their lives or, 2] subjected to the death penalty……with, in both cases, their immortal souls heading to hell for all eternity.

    But, of course, they were all “Just obeying Orders” from the demonic globalist-freemasons……who made sure that every country’s legal system was sufficiently corrupted, “bought & paid for” so that they themselves could not be prosecuted for worldwide genocide, disability, and economic ruin……

    However, none of them will escape the wrath of GOD!

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