Archbishop Viganò: The Bergoglian court … has embedded itself in the Church like a tumor

Editor’s Note: Those in communication with the Archbishop should point out, that as a Bishop incardinated in the Vatican he has the right to call for a Provincial Council, in the ecclesiastical province of Rome, to rebuke and depose Bergoglio.

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5 thoughts on “Archbishop Viganò: The Bergoglian court … has embedded itself in the Church like a tumor”

  1. “Same old…same old” ‘controlled-opposition’ critiques from Abp Vigano without taking positive action to try and correct the heretics/perverts/schismatics etc.

    When oh when will he “wake up and smell the coffee”??!!

    1. As ‘controlled opposition’; he’s already awake. TO ACT OR NOT IS A CHOICE.
      It is ‘HIGH TIME’ for any loyal to Jesus Christ to rise for the Church and the faithful sinners standing to oppose PAGANISM Bergoglio and his CITY OF LONDON cohorts espouse for the Demonic.

      1. Thankyou.
        Brother Alexis’s comments above, and on a number of previous occasions, state what Abp Vigano needs to do as regards Pope Francis, for the good of the Church.
        Pax tecum.

  2. Abp Vigano, Bishop Schneider, Bishop Strickland. Maybe I am wrong but I do not trust any of them. despite that they say and do good things, at least apparently. In my opinion they are just the “conservative” side of the “modern catholic” spectrum. The right leg of the novus ordo monster, but they still move all together in synchronicity making this monster move forward to whatever destination is going.

    1. “Novus Ordo monster” indeed……but the problem for the Church is much much bigger than just that, it is the entirety of the Second Vatican Council which, as reported at & OMC Radio TV over the past year or so, is the result of 1950s Doctrinal Warfare strategies against the Church by the CIA/Freemasons/Communists/Jews.
      Therefore every Pope since Pius XII has been affected, and it is now considered that both John XXIII and Paul VI were freemasons; and OMC Radio TV has a series of investigative programmes on John-Paul II……
      The fact that the last three named have been canonized in recent years raises a great many questions……

      Pax tecum.

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