Editor’s Note: We live in an age when so many theories which were called non-credible delusions for years, have turned out true. So if the facts, cited in this article be true, then a lot of questions will be raised anew.
As for the ADL, in 2003 they published a rebuttal to all the “Anti-Semitic” “conspiracy theories” about 9/11, and actually refer to the art students, but not to this group called Gelatin. The strange thing about the ADL publication, is that it lists the alleged “conspiracy theories” but does NOT marshal facts to debunk them.
Here is a link that document, but be cautious since visiting that I.P. will divulge your location to the ADL. Remove the white-spaces to make the URL functional.
https:// www.adl.org/sites/default/files/documents/assets/pdf/combating-hate/anti-semitic-9-11-conspiracy-theories .pdf
Sorry for the ignorance; but, what is the ‘ADL’?
The Jewish Anti Defamation League