Attorney Todd Callender: The Marburg Plandemic will be released in October, Zombie Apocalypse to follow

Editor’s Note:  I do not know what source Dr. Ruby has for an October release, though I speculated months ago that the release would be in October, here. [UPDATE: From Dr. Ruby’s Gab account, it appears that her statement about October is an inference based on the CDC’s statement about September being the Preparedness Month.]

Dr. Rashid Buttar foretold the next Plandemic as containing Marburg and other pathogens, back in May, before he died-on-signal. — FromRome.Info is one of the few journals which has been keeping its readers informed on a nearly daily basis of this coming threat. Subscribe (below) to receive our daily reports and updates.

More Background on the 5G release tech, and the preparation in US Law for Marburg Epidemics, passed in March 2020. He also explains the intentional protocol used to kill persons in hospitals under the appearances of treating them for a pandemic. Attorney Callender says US Hospitals intentionally killed 1 million persons in this manner.

More background on the 1P36 Gene Deletion Syndrome, here below. From what appears in this article, this gene deletion syndrome only affects the natal and post natal early development of the human brain; and if that is so, the “Zombie Apocalypse” is a mis-applied term, since this will only affect newborns, not adults.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

19 thoughts on “Attorney Todd Callender: The Marburg Plandemic will be released in October, Zombie Apocalypse to follow”

    1. I’m so sorry Father about what is happening in Portugal which was so blessed by the Mother of God. Terribly heartbreaking.

  1. You see this graphic?
    «Mortalidade real» (real mortality)

    Look at the extreme mortality in the month of january.
    Well, till yesterday when you used the mouse cursor over the lines you could see the number of deaths day by day since 2009 to the actual day.

    It was very easy to take a conclusion: the extreme mortality in Portugal was concentrated in one year: 2021. It was the month after the «day of hope» (27 december 2020) when the eldery started to be V*.

    Now, that information was occulted on the graphic so you can see the extremes but not in what year, so you are not able to relate the begining of the V* and the mortality excess.

    Another sign.

    1. “In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved…” Who knows what the …. means? . But just keep repeating the words of Our Lady, Father. This is what I do when I get stressed. “No, my daughter, I will never leave you alone.” I say it over and over to myself. We are all in this together. Our Lady will not forsake Her beloved Portugal or Her people.

    2. Again about the graphic.
      The second amount of data that was hidden Yesterday Is about all the extension of the year. Without the visual access to the mortality day by day, year by year, and the statistical average on 7 days you Will not conclude the obvious which Is the excess of mortality Is constant all over the year only since 2021, the V* year. It was in february 2023 the portoghese government asked the WHO a study about the causes of this mortality excess. By hidding these data, THEY can prepare whatever answer they want and people Is being taken away from the means and resourses to confront and to think in a logical way.

    1. I think this list is being removed from websites in the USA, because it violates US Federal law to propose any medical treatment not approved by the US FDA.

  2. I had a client once that had the 1p36 gene deletion. She had gnawed off the distal parts of many of her fingers—-we had to keep her in protective mittens all the time.

    Please pray for me—-I didn’t take the shots, but I am a lapsed Catholic that wants to come back.

    Kiki RN

    1. PRAYING.

      It’s easy to come back. Just go to your local catholic church when its open, find the Tablernacle, kneel down, and say to the Lord Jesus: “Take me back, I want to come home!” as a prayer for the grace to let go of your sins and make a good confession. And as soon as you receive that, make an appointment and go to confession. It’s simple! Jesus is eagerly waiting for you!

  3. Today in Portugal was Launched the new CAMPAIGN for V* C*19.
    It Is the day of the Saint Archangels St Michael, St Gabriel, St Raphael.
    I think It has a spiritual meaning since St Michael was the Archangel that appeared in Fatima in 1916.
    Another Battle in the fight: “I will put enmity between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring[e] and her offspring;” (Gen 3,15)

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