PLANDEMIC WATCH: Insane Levels of Gagging on Twitter signals Plandemic 2.0 is soon to be launched

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Twitter (now calling itself X) has begun to implement new, insane levels of censorship, never seen before. — I know that that might sound impossible, considering past reports, but it’s true.

Nearly no truth speakers are getting their tweets seen by anyone. Truth Stream Media is getting less views than 1% of their followers in 20 minutes.

But anti-globalists are getting even less with less than 24 views per tweet per hour, regardless of whether they have their tweet shared by accounts which collectively reach 10K or 100K.

This level of silencing is Gag-You levels. The zeal to implement this is at a Jihad-like level.

As one twitter account put it, “If you posted your tweet on your office door knob, more people would see it than on twitter!”

And this all began in the last 48 hours.

So I infer from this that it may be that the next Plandemic’s launch is imminent.

It seems the social isolation strategy will be to shut down all communication except TV and radio.

I wait to see what kind of games will be played on cellphones and Whatsapp.

I have noticed that cellphone signals even at 4G wavelengths have increased substantially in strength and range in the last 2 weeks.

When you use your cellphone to communicate or gather information, you are immediately fingerprinted and identified, however.

If they do not want us to communicate electronically, it appears that the strategy will be a massive hard lockdown, in which it becomes illegal even to go outside or talk to another human being.

The only thing is, they do not have the police forces to do this in most places.

Maybe they will also launch a system where you get perks of liberty if you report your neighbors?

Things are not looking good.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

6 thoughts on “PLANDEMIC WATCH: Insane Levels of Gagging on Twitter signals Plandemic 2.0 is soon to be launched”

  1. They only have control over us because of the phone. If everybody leaves it at home, they can’t control us.

  2. Brother Alexis, the massive numbers of socalled refugees being brought into countries, e.g. Ireland, could be used to implement such a draconian lockdown that you outline in this piece.

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