by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Traduction française
If you simply read the pages of or of any objective news source about the Catholic Church or the Vatican (they are two different things), you will readily agree that the Church has fallen into the deepest pit of immorality and corruption in Her 2000 year history. And that the fall did not begin in 2013, it began a century ago with the Lateran Pact (as was explained recently here).
“These are the times which try men’s souls”, wrote Thomas Paine, in the American Crisis, a series of pamphlets which was first published on Dec. 23, 1776 A., D., in regard to the political confrontation between the British Colonies of North America and the Crown and Parliament of the United Kingdom.
It is a phrase which can be even more aptly applied to the Catholic Church in the summer of 2023 A.D., as we see on all sides greater and greater steps to total apostasy and the grossest immorality by Catholic priests and the members of the Catholic Hierarchy at the highest levels, all the while accompanied by the most pathetic, imbecilic responses of the “conservative” faction in the Church.
But for us who know by Divine Faith, and not just by the force of human yearning, or our upbringing, that Jesus Christ is God and the Only Savior of the World, our great light of hope resides in the Declaration of Christ that the Gates of Hell cannot prevail, precisely because Christ the High Priest Who has obtained everything already from God His Father, in His prayer for Holy Mother Church, is praying unceasingly before the Altar of His Father, in Heaven, for Her.
So even if the situation gets worse and members of the clergy in public begin to engage in the most flagrant immorality as it seems, they are aiming for — the blessing of sodomitic unions for themselves, and the conversion of the Mass into an act of pure idolatry and perversion — the Church will remain Immaculate in Herself and will continue to exist in the Faithful who remain fast with Christ in the unchanging teaching which He handed down to us through the Apostles and faithful Bishops and priests of ages past.
What makes this crisis even more terrible is that Catholics are assaulted on every side by unscrupulous self-proclaimed “Apostles” who have gone from grifting for money to grifting for souls, and who are now on all side promoting false apparitions, false leaders, and false solutions, as they ride the wave of scandalous news, to rip and tear as many of Christ’s sheep away from Him and His Church.
Possessed by this spirit of madness and devilry, they belch out more falsehoods and disinformation in one week than Jorge Mario Bergoglio every did in a month, as they instrumentalize the rage Catholics have against error and vice, against Catholics themselves, in the attempt to slay as many souls with scandal as possible.
And I am not speaking about those who gaslight the Faithful in attempting to insist that nothing is really wrong or the problems are not historic, crucial or existential. This group is the flip side of the same coin of Satan.
We need to pray much and pray more. Christ alone can save the Church and we need to stand with Christ, giving Him the complete trust of our hearts and assent of our intellects, to all His teachings, while remaining in the full consent of love and friendship with Him as Our King. And we need to ask specifically for the grace to persevere to the end, a gift which cannot be merited but only obtained by prayer.
It seems almost certain now that things will get much worse in the coming year, than better, unless God enters into history and delivers the Church from this brood of vipers who pretend to religion.
All of this is already much worse than the past Scamdemic and the future Plandemic, because it touches more intimately upon the salvation of poor souls, who have not the level of virtue and who have not yet merited sufficient light to see the path in such darkness.
Since as a journalist, I have to daily report on the moral collapse of the sacred hierarchy, I have written this short editorial to remind all my readers, that no matter how bad it gets, Christ is God and the Church shall not be overcome.
Let us double, triple and quadruple our prayers that the Lord shall shorten the present days of tribulation, for the sake of the salvation of His little ones, and so that we ourselves be snatched from so many temptations on every side to despair, by sending the Church a generation of warriors to deliver Her from the regime of corrupt men who are raping Her day and night with their scandals and crimes.