Masonic Italian e-Journal: Eris has arrived in Italy

Editor’s Note: in response to the online outcry of Italians against another plandemic, has chosen to run a story about the Eris ‘variant’ in a vain attempt to make people believe in this new mythical creature. It warns readers that this horrible ‘virus’ can give you some of the symptoms of the regular cold!

FanPage’s “report” regurgitates public statements by Globalist controlled “health” organizations such as the W.H.O. and various entities created to push the narrative that variants of the mythical SarsCo2 exist.

According to its Wikipedia article, Fanpage.It is a media outlet of recent foundation, at Naples, Italy, in 2011, which has been used by the United Nations to promote a campaign against criminality.

In Italian, “Fan” has the same popular sense as in English. But it is not clear what kind of fans, seems to address itself to. Maybe sheeple?

Brother Alexis’ appeal to defend Europe

Introduction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Europe more than any other place has been the cradle of Christian Civilization. And I mean those words with precision.

Because, whereas God the Son descended and became man in Galilee, and the Christian Faith was preached throughout the world, first in the Levant, nevertheless, it remained the dominant cultural force only in Europe for dozens of centuries.

And so, just as a cradle is placed in the safest room of the house, so that the child placed there — though born elsewhere — might begin his life in safety and with everything to nurture him, so Christianity took root in Europe and thrived.

This cradle of civilization is now under an existential threat, brought about by the intentional execution of a plan of demographic replacement, spurred by massive illegal immigration of Muslims of Arabic or African descent.

Many cities and towns are being overrun, and there are still many such who need defense. Many communities of Catholics and Christians need security, and are not finding solution from existing institutions or initiatives.

This is why, when the Lord Jesus Christ inspired me 7 years ago to do something about Islamic terrorism, just days after the martyrdom of Father Jacques, I responded immediately with all the good will I could muster.

In these 7 years, I have learned that good will is not enough, there needs to be a formation program for the future defenders of Europe, because there is no initiative from any side whatsoever to do this.

Ordo Militaris Catholicus, this initiative I began with AJ Baalman 7 years ago, aims to be a promoter of such solutions. And it is in this spirit that we are organizing a training program for men 18-24 years of age, to learn the skills necessary to protect the streets of Europe.

Many of you may know of this program already, but I am making this appeal again, since there are many who receive FromRome.Info’s posts via email, who do not read this website.

This program will cost about 125 thousand euro. So far we have raised 8000+ euro.  I want to thank the two men of Spanish descent, who live in Texas, for donating 80% of the funds already collected.

But I write this post, to ask the Europeans who can afford donating, to consider that they too have a role and a duty to participate in this program which will serve to defend their native homelands.

You can read more about the program and see how you can support it by clicking the image above. If you are 18-24 and a resident of the EU, you can also find information about how to sign up for this free program, on the same page.

The defense of Europe is the Deus Vult of our age. And I believe, that we Christians shall be measured in eternity by Christ, by how we responded to this call.

True Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, established by Pope Pius XII, which is now called the Feast of the Incoronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven, as Queen of Angels and Men. — So it is only appropriate to feature again, this video, in which Br. Bugnolo explains why all Christians need to take Mary, the Mother of Jesus, a lot more seriously as a role model. — This video was first aired on June 27, 2022, from Kyiv, Ukraine.

Harry Vox warned the world in 2014 about the Globalist Plan to use lockdowns

Alternate version from Bitchute, published in 2020….

And again, in a highly dramatic monologue back in April, he predicted another lockdown this year, months ahead of everyone… (warning this video has very graphic language)… [FromRome.Info publishes this for historical record, not as an endorsement].

And in this video, made days after Dr. Buttar died-on-signal, Henry Vox connected the dots between the coming pandemic to how it is being used to rob the assets of the Christian West and transfer it into Rothschild hands. Once again, this video has extreme language, and is republished here for historical record, not as an endorsement.

OMC Radio & TV: The Plot of Freemasons to Assassinate John Paul I, part 2

Editor’s Note: In this second episode, we name the Freemasons in the Vatican suspected of being the co-conspirators in the murder of Pope John Paul I, and lay out their motives and movements during the month of September, 1978. Hear about the list of 120 Freemasons given to Pope John Paul I just weeks before his assassination, and the reasons why all other theories are insufficient or total bunk. — Hear Br. Bugnolo’s analysis of this list and what it means for the Church.