Editor’s Note: We are about to confront the intersection of the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus Christ for His Vicar on Earth, with His Divine Zeal for the honor of the good name of His favorite Saint (as He declared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque), Saint Francis, because if this document to be published contains blasphemies and heresies, God will not let it happen, either by preventing its publication for some technical reason, or by striking His own Vicar down with malady or death.
However, as the news contains the possibility that the old “encyclical” will be corrected and replaced by this new one, we might see the grace of the Office of St. Peter correct Bergoglio’s past errs, which will surely confound all the Sedevacantists like Andrea Cionci.– Still, let us not forget, that outside of those matters which touch on Revelation, regarding God’s authorship and design for creation, and man’s nature and role in it, the pope has not one drop of grace to write on the topic of ecology or biology, and thus can teach many errors, as a private ecologist, just as Pope John XXI wrote an entire Bull on the origin of money, declaring that St. Adam had invented it after being cast out of paradise. — BTW, Coined money was invented in Ionia, by the Greeks, in the 7th century B. C..
And I was taught by the Jesuits that the Annunaki introduced the concepts of money, finance, and debt to human societies in Sumer.
The “Society of Jesus” has been messing up Catholic education since the Council of Trent, on a variety of topics, from Metaphysics to Morals. That they would get archeology and history wrong too, is not surprising.