Great Reset Watch: You will freeze during the Winter Nights, but you will be Happy!

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One thought on “Great Reset Watch: You will freeze during the Winter Nights, but you will be Happy!”

  1. Spot the similarities:
    Stalin’s “Zero Tolerance” Decree enacted 7 August 1932 “About the Protection of Social Property” aka Law of Spikelets, Soviet Union
    Mao’s “Smash Sparrows Campaign” aka “Eliminate Sparrows Campaign”, 1958 – 1960, People’s Republic of China (target: zero sparrows)
    Pol Pot’s “Year Zero”, 1975, Cambodia
    Xi’s “Covid Zero” / “Zero Covid” 2020 – 2022
    WEF’s “Net Zero” “carbon emissions” target

    When are people going to wake up?!

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