When members of the Mafia of St. Gallen claim that the Indians of South America are pagans, share this video with them, of how the natives of this small town in Peru celebrate Corpus Christ.
4 thoughts on “PERU: In the remote highlands, a Pastor keeps the tradition of the Choir of Altar boys alive”
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hi br
you might want to see this.
i have watched this over the past few months not sure what to make of it, i wonder what you think.
it follows what Dr Buttar mentioned and you have followed this ‘hypothesis’
but this video here; https://t.me/s/marksteele5gis on an individual scale, this is the third video of this type of electronic frequency assassination – there have been a couple on La Quinta Columna.
you’ll have to scroll up to; Forwarded from
when a person , an individual is killed by atonic attack.
key words; vaccinated person – killed by atonic attack – 5 g network
i am hesitant about sharing this information – what do you think ?
I do not give credence to Telegram channels since that platform is so infiltrated by Intel agencies and fake opposition accounts. There is no reason to think that an atonic attack could kill anyone, nor that it could be induced remotely, without evidence.
The Peruvian people are the most humble people I have met. ¡Que Dios Bendiga a los feligreses Peruanos!
How uplifting! That’s why God loves the children.