Stew Peters: The Globalist are about to bring back another Fakedemic – Never again!

Editor’s Note: Now 36 hours after FromRome.Info broke the news, Stew Peter’s sounds out on the next Plandemic

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2 thoughts on “Stew Peters: The Globalist are about to bring back another Fakedemic – Never again!”

  1. I want to very much believe that most people will resist and not comply but when I look at members of my extended family or friends I am not so sure. Nobody talks about it or if they do it’s as if it is all in the past and nothing terrible happened. I just keep thinking that this is what must have happened in Germany while the Nazis were persecuting and putting certain people to death. I feel that at least in the United States, we don’t deserve God’s mercy…we are either so wicked or lacking in any empathy for the suffering of our fellow man. Sometimes, I fear, that we deserve what’s coming.

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