USA: FBI gun down Biden critic in cold blood, for racy social media posts

Editor’s Note: This story of tragedy might seem far removed from all the readers of FromRome.Info, but I believe we should pay close attention to it, because it reveals to what extent the police forces loyal to a Globalist Regime are already psychologically primed to use extreme lethal force to any criticism of the Globalist Regime’s puppets. — I therefore urge each of you to practice prudence and discretion in what you say and publish during the next Plandemic, so as not to trigger the worst sort of behavior from those persons who have already willingly lobotomized themselves to all human rights.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

One thought on “USA: FBI gun down Biden critic in cold blood, for racy social media posts”

  1. Good advice. People need to be careful what they say online as shown by what happened to this 74 year old man in Utah, shot down in his own home, they then dragged his body out to the sidewalk and left his body there for hours. May he R.I.P. and may God bring the people who did that to justice.

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