How BRICS will influence the path towards the Great Reset

BRICS, the economic cooperative initiative, is a Rothschild operation. The first summit of BRCIS was in the town where the Rothschild backed Jewish Bolsheviks assassinated the Russian Royal Family. — The weakness in Richard’s analysis is that if Brics (the BRICS currency) has a declared gold value by weight, but is not redeemable for gold, its real value vs. gold will fluctuate, and not have the entire advantage which Richard’s is claiming. — It will be interesting to see if the Brics Summit in South African on August 22nd, will determine in any way the date for the declaration of the next Plandemic.

But the greatest weakness in Richard’s analysis is this, that whereas the BRICS Members via Brics will be outside of the currency market, the members of BRICS still will have their national currencies trade vis-a-vis the non-Brics currencies, which will make them even more vulnerable to fluctuations, because of the lack of the use of their currencies in international trade, caused by being users of Brics in inter-BRIC trades.

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