UKRAINE: Catholics killed in war, buried at Lviv

Editor’s Note: This Church is the Catholic Church of Lviv, and the center of the Catholic Military Chaplaincy for the Ukrainian Army. It is staffed by Jesuits, according to my sources. — This news puts a Catholic face on the war, and I hope, will be the cause of a lot of good confessions in the West, from those Catholics who cheered on the genocidal regime of Moscow against their own brothers and sisters in the Faith, in Lviv.

Dr. Jane Ruby interviews Dr. Shiva on the Downfall of the USA

Editor’s Note:This is a great interview and at last we have someone speaking frankly about the corrupt political class that has been running the USA for more than a century.

As regard, Dr. Shiva’s candidacy to be president .. Dr. Shiva Ayyaduri was born in India, and thus is not a natural born citizen of the United States, and thus is constitutionally ineligible to be the president of the USA. So he says a lot of true things, but he is really pushing the fake narrative, begun by Obama (born in Kenya, according to his own words), that violating the Constitution is o.k.. Now while the US constitution is not the norm of justice, still Dr. Shiva admits his is a top poker player.

More on this:

Geert vanden Bossche gives warning of next Plandemic, about to be launched

Editor’s Note: Vander Bossche still believes viruses cause disease or that SarsCoV2 existed along with its omicron variants. However, in practice his warning is similar. He believes those who got no vaccine, or had Covid-19 before being vaccination, will not be at risk at Omicron Variants. — He is unwittingly sustaining the fake Narrative of the Virus and thus exculpating most world leaders. But due to his fame, I publish this his video, which he says will be his last.