How the trust you give Globalists, guarantees your enslavement

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Marquee, seen in the video above, paints a very dark and critical view of the modernist globalist system of control. As an anthropologist, I can agree a lot with his analysis which, I summarizes as, “The truth you are putting in globalist systems of control guarantees your enslavement”.

However, the solution he does not present.

Yes, we cannot wait for a leader who can be corrupted. But we have a leader who cannot be corrupted: Jesus Christ. And yes, we need to get over any misconception that we should obey godless men.

However, while it is true we continue to obey by participating in their fake economy and fake money, we can make decisions to move out of this, but this will take common effort.

It will begin when folk begin to accept the sale of goods for something other than fiat money, when individuals begin founding economic initiatives which provide food, housing and clothing,  transport etc., independently from controlled means.

For we only trust Globalist institutions, because we fail to create alternate systems of human trust, which we can prefer to theirs. So in a way, we are all at fault, for preferring convenience over trustworthiness. The quick easy solution offered by the serpent in the garden is, after all, still a lesson we need to take heed of.

All of this doe mean fighting for “smaller government”, but it also means starting Christian initiatives. And this is the crux of the problem, because Christians, and especially Catholics, have failed to nurture critical thinking, analysis and those other skills and virtues of character which would keep them from following their bought-and-paid leadership into hell.

And all of this begins, not by trusting people you do not know, but by finding among those you already know, persons worthy of trust, and encouraging in them the development of these skills.

By the grace of God, AJ Baalman and I were inspired to do just that, nearly 7 years ago: to found a Catholic security initiative, which would build internationally a parallel system to provide security, assistance, protection, etc. without support from NGOs and governments. It was a prophetic grace, so much needed, and so much ahead of its time. Catholics need to make similar initiatives, trusting, that the Lord will bless you, if you serve Him and His people!

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