EUROPE: The strategy of the FakeDemic spreads to Meteorology on the Heat Wave

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3 thoughts on “EUROPE: The strategy of the FakeDemic spreads to Meteorology on the Heat Wave”

  1. To hide that in reality average temperature goes down in Europe. Whereas energy shortages are organized by all means.
    PS: It’s been 10°C here in France this night. July21th. … No comment. And we all had to put the heater until may: never lived that before! Next winter, due to the explosive prices, we’ll all live in the cold, which the humanity never suffered from. BTW, nobody wonders why areas in the world, where it’s hot, are more crowded than areas where it’s relatively cold. Maybe because human has always died from cold and not from high temperatures. No comment.

    1. Meanwhile the globalists have equipped their houses with solar so that when they turn your heat off, they will stay warm.

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