Father Issac Reylea: On the importance of a life of prayer

Fr. Issac is one of the more famous confrers of Br. Bugnolo, from the time they were in the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

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9 thoughts on “Father Issac Reylea: On the importance of a life of prayer”

  1. Love this little soiree of praying men…And, all they said is totally true. Blessed and fortunate is the woman, and children in a family with a man who prays in love of Jesus. Angels are literally placed over all of society wherever that man goes and all benefit in their protection. THEIR WORDS ARE A SONG FOR THE SOUL.

  2. Somewhere in the past I read that if you dont pray in deep thangsgiving for the 20 min the hist is still intact inside you, you could lose all of the graces you just got during Holy Sacrifice of Mass

    1. That is not true. It’s a function of how much you love God, are humble and thankful. If you have none of these you could spend eternity giving thanks and it would profit you nothing.

  3. Br. Bugnolo I’m really glad to learn your association with Fr. Isaac. He is one of a few priests that I look up to inspired by his life story of conversion inspired by his love of Our Lady of Fatima. I believed your the only two Franciscans that I know of who are truly living their Franciscan vows. Thank God! May He bless you both always and Our Lady keep you.

  4. I remember there is a 1 hour Eucharistic fast that should be done before going to Mass in Sundays but is now neglected.

    I only see that being reminded on very old sites like olrl.org. Their contents have never changed since 1999.

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