Robert Nugent comments on the Fr. Jackson Case

Editor’s Note: I agree with what Nugent says about obedience, but since there is a lot of corruption in the Church, I will add an important note: that yes, we are obliged to obey the bishop of our Diocese, but if we have not professed a vow of obedience to him, we are also not obliged to live in his diocese. So the amicable solution when there is true injustice is to move to another diocese, but the problem of personal reflection and the need to be humble, recognizing that Jesus alone is the savior of His Church, remains.

Pope Francis and Catholic Faithful skip “World Fraternity Day” at the Vatican

The Faithful did not attend, because, evidently, it did not appeal to them. Pope Francis did not attend, because God ordained that His Vicar on Earth come down with a hernia. — Those with faith can see what is happening. Those with hate, are still blind. — LifeSite News is one of the Catholic News organizations in the USA which never reports on pedophilia among clergy who celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass, but which squeezes the lemon to blame Pope Francis. Make of that what you may.

PLANDEMIC 3 — Entire Video Documentary

Editor’s Note: This video is a psychological-political analysis of the role of the Scamdemic in pushing world globalism, which is a form of communism. It’s excellent as an analysis, but fails on the principles it invokes as the solution: which are all Americanist and Masonic. — The real principle to save mankind from Globalism is Jesus Christ: and only by uniting ourselves with Him as the Blessed Virgin did, in prayer and works of mercy, can we comfort those in fear, encourage the weak and build up a new generation which will not comply with the Satanic New World Order. The Masonic solution is patently a fail, because it refuses the truth about God, the Church, and salvation. And ends up by preaching a different kind of collectivism (of toleration) against the collectivism of ideology. But the ideology of libertarianism and tolerationism are precisely the weak underbelly that Globalism is carving into, through digitalization, transhumanism, and ecologism.

As for the reality of the threat posed by cultural marxism, in the USA, it is now at extreme levels, as can be seen from the yet to be passed Bill in the California Legislature, which if made law, would authorize the arrest on child-abuse charges of any parent who does not affirm the chosen gender of any of his or her children, NO MATTER HOW OLD THE CHILDREN ARE: this will cause massive social breakdown and put the State in absolute dictatorial control of every person who has children. — I think this is the last chance parents have to flee California.

Archbishop Viganò has gone over to Moscow, literally and politically

Editor’s Note: I cannot say when the Russian Federation began courting the Archbishop as an intel asset, perhaps from his time in the Vatican or when he was Nuncio to the United States of America. But in the last few years, he has spoken with Bishop Hilarion (formerly of Vienna, now of Budapest), who is the FSB / Russian Orthodox main operative in Europe. It seems, by attending the founding meeting of this new Russophile Movement, that he has broken completely with the Catholic Church and betrayed his vow of obedience to the Roman Pontiff. — I expect canonical sanctions to follow this year.

Poland & Hungary take stand against the Kalergi Plan in the European “Union”

Editor’s Note: According to the plan, agreed to by a majority of states — excepting Poland and Hungary, who voted against it, with Bulagria, Lithuania, Malta & Slovakia abstaining — countries which refuse to receive their quota of illegal immigrants, will be obliged to pay the European Union € 22000 per clandestine. — Thus the agreement is really nothing other than a “legalized” extortion racket. — When one considers that the EU has paid Poland only € 48 euros, approximately PER immigrant received from Ukraine, the level of malice in this new “agreement” becomes clear. — An Administrative-Financial War has officially broken out among the members, and this is not going to end pretty.

Never forget to ask the momentous Questions of life: What is a Woman?

Summary: The question, “What is a woman?” is very close to the question, “Who is the Woman?”, and since the correct answer to the second question names that human person who is feared most of all by the enemies of God and truth, the first question is the most threatening to their brood. — Morale of this report: if you are in a jurisdiction which gives one parent or the child the exclusive right to decide to transition, move out of that hell-hole immediately.