Monthly Archives: June 2023
USA: Vatican Approved Hospital Chain does Transgender Butcheries
This is a continuation of the game played by Freemasons in the Vatican, who invested in the largest producer of contraceptives in Italy, and then got Paul VI to float the idea of contraception for 5 years, before condemning it in Humanae Vitae, by which time the damage had been done and sales exploded.
And yes, the Vatican not only approves this Chain of Hospitals, but also INVESTS IN THEM!
This is perhaps the real reason for the Synod on Synodality, which is aiming to mainstream sodomy, polygamy and transgender operations: the Vatican Bank might very well have investments in these areas!
These clerics are going to receive a most tremendous punishment from God Almighty! — More on this in the following previous report from OMC Radio TV:
Organized Internet Bot-Gangs being used to censor FB, Instagram and Twitter users
USA sinking into a Marxist Dictatorship and Banana Republic
Rothschild HedgeFund Whistle-blower says they Control the US President, buy Senators for $10,000
GERMANY: Pectoral Cross of Pope Benedict XVI, stolen in daring daylight heist
Update on Globalist push to mass create New intelligent Species to dominate Human Race
The “Synod on Synodality” and the Fraud of “Catholic” Journalism
Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The Instrumentum laboris, or working text, for the “Synod on Synodality”, to be held this October, at the Vatican, has been published. And Catholic News Agency is the first of many, who will follow, to report the news.
But as we have seen with the controversy over the continued Petrine Office of Pope Benedict XVI until his death, every other Catholic electronic journal got it wrong, since they reported not the theological or canonical truth of the matter, nor even permitted a discussion, but presented the narrative that the Globalists dictated, and which was found in the opinions of men, all of whom closed the Churches and denied the Sacraments to the Faithful in the greatest act of Apostasy the world has ever known since the moment the Iscariot took the 30 pieces of silver from the High Priests of the Temple in Jerusalem.
Reliable coverage? You can bet 1000 times as much silver that it is not and cannot be.
Here, as one can see above, the evil hopes and dreams of the enemies of Christ are presented as the official teaching of the Church in the future, and the Synod as the canonically valid means for changing the teaching of the Church.
But the Church will never change her teaching on morality an iota, and when anyone claims that this or that act or document has done so, a close examination will find either the claim to be without any textual foundation, or the text with substantial canonical errors rendering it invalid as representative of any binding act upon the faithful.
The High Priestly Promise and Prayer for the Successor of St. Peter, that his faith may never fail, and thus, that the Gates of Hell shall not prevail, is a last ditch safety measure which prevents shipwrecks but not storms, reefs and scrapes.
Those who believe in Jesus are expected in storms,, even when He appears sleeping, to trust in Him, Who can calm seas and storms with a single commanding word.
Those without faith, however, will call for jumping overboard. Or getting on Pluto’s barque.
Most vociferous will be those groups of Sedevacantists (Pius XII and Benedict XVI) who insist the Papacy has come to an end as an institution, is vacant and can practically under no circumstance ever be restored, all of which they say to guarantee them to act as if they had no superior on Earth or in Heaven.
These are simply being consistent with the ethic of grifting. Because in grifting, you need to lament the problem, collect money, but never, ever, ever propose a workable solution. promises to follow the news always while staying in the barque of Peter and encouraging everyone to trust in Jesus and wake Him up, in times of trouble, by incessant prayer raised from hearts of those who believe in His words, as the foundation of all faith.
How the Elites control the Human Race
Poland, Germany, France, Hungry and Ireland don’t accept the EU Migrant Deal
Remembering the Catholic Hero, Ignacio Escheverría, 6 years after his martyrdom
In the United Kingdom, the war against Sky Net has begun
Be careful on the streets of Europe, this Summer! (Video)
COMEDY: A civil-servant diagnosed with chronic honesty, goes to the hospital (Video, Spanish)
VATICAN: Cardinal Canonist whom Br. Bugnolo irked, to be “Protector” of Order of Malta
Editor’s Note: After irking this Jesuit canonical expert, with arguments he could not refute, way back in November of 2019, I have watched with amusement his promotions. Needless to say, I do not think he will help the Knights of St. John Hospitaliers achieve their mission or remain faithful to their vocation. But then again Cardinal Burke gave them such bad counsel they surrendered to an illegitimate and illicit command.
Meme of the Month: Your not wearing a mask puts me & my family at risk …
Ukraine: Even little children are praying for peace
VATICAN: Pope’s health is precarious and uncertain?
Editor’s Note: To the English speaking mind an affirmation is always an affirmation. But in Italy, when you affirm something no one is denying, then you are in fact admitting things are not as they seem, and admitting that the opposite is true. There are several loud protestations of Pope Francis’ health today, this one from 9 minutes ago. What does it mean? The Italians will tell you to doubt.
It’s like what would happen on vacation to Sicily, when you came to a fancy Pizza Restaurant, which ran out of wood. You would order your pizza, and when it was very much delayed, ask the Waiter, if any pizza is coming at all; and he would most assuredly say, “Or course, just be patient. Our Pizza Oven is in tip-top shape”, to indicate that they have no wood or no dough prepared. — I am not making this up. It has happened to me, when a benefactor insisted we eat out.
So along with this chipper and dandy news about Pope Francis’ health, I cannot not recall when, on the Wednesday before Pope Benedict XVI died, they said he was had only a minor problem and was on his way to recovery.
ITALY: 55 Thousand Illegal Immigrants have landed on Italian shores as of June 15th, 2023
Editor’s Note: While the Italian press is mum, Italy has received more than twice the number of illegal immigrants since January 1, 2023, than in the previous year and nearly triple the amount under the government of Mario Draghi. So much for the campaign promises of Giorgia Meloni, who strongly denounced Macron for causing the problem. Click on the PDF for full details published by the Italian Ministry of Defense, including day by day arrivals in June.