UK: A Banking Crusade has been declared against Nigel Farage

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7 thoughts on “UK: A Banking Crusade has been declared against Nigel Farage”

  1. And they can do it everywhere, not only the UK.
    With cdbc it only ecomes much easier.

  2. Is it possible that this style of money lockdown will be implemented to those who refuse to follow the rules of VAXX by August? e.g. the ones who had no vaccine

  3. Bear in mind that Farage has a role to play which is to ensure visible dialectical polarity – “normal bloke” suffering under woke. He is a freemason and of course well known to Trump, Bannon and Gorkas and crew. He is likely to play a role in “The Great Awakening”TM in which the satanic WHO Schwab and Ghebreyesus acolytes are swept aside by lucifer’s minions (Bannon, Flynn, many of the medical freedom movement) et al.

    Farage being denied banking is likely misdirection, which is not to say we outsiders won’t suffer it at some point.

  4. He is Mr BREXIT. They hate him for that, but he still has a right to banking like everyone else.

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