19 thoughts on “Br. Bugnolo: Let us pray for our Priests, who are morally, theologically and psychologically broken men”

  1. Thank you. Thank you.
    My heart is broken with and about our priests also. Only Blessed Mother can heal their hearts by bringing them Jesus. And She is doing it. They need to cry out for help. They were dependent on themselves instead of God. Satan through pride got them. Only their humility through humiliation will save them. No one with pride can enter the heaven. Including priests and God’s own Mother. She had to be absolutely imaculatta.

  2. Brother Bugnolo,

    Most of the priests have by their sins and infidelity lost ability to confect the Eucharist. They don’t bring Jesus into world anymore. Most of them. Now the only remedy is for Blessed Mother to bring Jesus again in the world as She did first time. Church is so damaged only supernatural intervention through IMMACULATE heart of Mary and rosary will bring reparation of the souls.

    1. Marta, the opinion you have expressed is the teaching of Donatus, a 4th century heretic condemned by the Church. Maybe you should look up Donatism, and reflect on your own position.

  3. This is so sad.
    They are some species of white martyr.
    The mother of little girl with severe gluten intolerance was fearful of letting her daughter receive the sacred host. . . a fine Catholic physician at her church heard of her concern, and he questioned the little girl in the presence of her mother, “Do you really believe in transubstantiation?” — “Yes” said the little girl. “Then you can’t be harmed by the Body & Blood of Christ”. And or course, when she received Holy Communion, she wasn’t.
    The mother’s faith was strengthened by the Doctor and her daughter.

  4. Certainly many, perhaps most priests of my acquaintance exhibit a visible guardedness and sorrow glimpsed behind their eyes for they know, at least subliminally, that they have been fatally duped into denying the faithful the sacraments, taking the vaxx and betraying their vocation as Alter Christus.

    Indeed we must pray for them! Ave Maria gratia plena.

  5. A question for you Br. Bugnolo: do you think that ‘they’ think that they are doing the utmost sacrifice, piety and martyrdom by sacrificing their fate? Is that the trend of ever more feminine and ever more unmanly priesthood? Are we experiencing some masochistic obsession and demonic possession that represents itself in disgusting and spineless weakness? Is this the way they think they are ‘taking the cross’?
    Acidia IS a deadly sin…

    1. No, I think their own consciences in the privacy of their hearts torment them, because there are just so many truths which have to be denied, which are clearly contained and expressed in the History of the Church but deliberately attacked at at Vatican II and in its “reforms”.

      1. I am coming to conclusion that it is that torment of their hears is what they falsely take as a virtue and sacrifice to their fate. They are ‘turning another cheek’. Their effeminate understanding of the fate…. Masochism: ‘the derivation of sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation…’ Emphasis on ‘sexual gratification’ as acting and passive gay priests are very common.

  6. I will be honest and say it as I have seen it from my limited viewpoint and limited experience. My whole life I have witnessed the effemite priests in our church and other churches and i have absolutely no problem with a person being this way but these often used their position to use boys and diminish girls and women. Today, i view organized religion where women are not permitted as simply a very successful Boy club that never made peace as most men with the power of women to be firstly the conduit for souls to come into humans in a fetus; secondly that this same power is the only power separating men and women and is the most powerful energy on earth and it comes through women, the yin..but when a person is born a woman, she has that power naturally, something a man will never have..and it is why she is the natural healers.. Men especially the Boy club type resent that and misunderstand and fear her..hence our history and the use of children to tap into their power of soul to try and be as a woman.. I am not saying they all are like that but for those that are this is the underlying psychology.. I teach in a very special closed school these rites of healing to women and it is so powerful that even today we remain quiet about it so as not to be targeted.. anyways.. thank you Father for coming forth and being such an honest and grounded person..for creating this space for us all to heal our past betrayals from the church.. Jesus has come to me quite a few times for I am a seer and healer and I know him and God from a complete different perspective then religion teaches.. Even the bible has been tampered with by the boys club..women are not presented properly and neither is their role in the life of Jesus.. yes these are amazing liberating times. the soul structures must be unravelled to be rebuilt more strongly… I came to teach about the power of the love energy and I am a conduit to restructure people’s souls…i see much more then most would ever know and the why.. I have the gift of prophecy and have been shown what is to come and why but more importantly what we must do..anyways.. oshtalo..God bless..

    1. The translations of the Bible, yes. — And I totally agree with your astute socio-psychological analysis that the gay boys club leans on the overly dominate female. In fact, since Vatican II it is the latter nearly exclusively they give power to. They only figure they hate is the true patriarchal type, since their having a sexual disorder relates to having been raised in a disfunctional household that never gave them such a figure worth admiration.

  7. So sad, so sad.
    The amount of times I have heard from the altar to pray for priests, or from the confessional, say a prayer for me, from priests begging us to help them. And do we? Have we?
    Since my reversion back to the faith I have always prayed for all priests and religious, using the second decade of the Rosary for my intention. It is the least I can do. Even now my heart breaks for them.
    And Jesus wept…
    So sad, so sad.

  8. Many priests who made a stand have been cancelled and removed from their parishes.

  9. Here in the California people don’t shake hands when the time of giving peace comes. They are all afraid

  10. A wise and holy Vicar General friend of mine once said” Many Priests do not live out their true vocations, they just lead two different lives” This was someone who unfortunately knew McCarrick very well and all his evil doings in and out of the Dioceses in NJ and Washington DC when he was a young Parochial Vicar. Back then (90’s), young seminarians and priests were ostericized and removed from positions if they even said BOO! I knew all those priests and the especially the whistleblower ( Fr. Greg Littleton) who started it all with McCarrick as he brought his convoy to the Vatican to make his case. Many of these priests were in my parish. What can we do but just pray heavily for conversions and holy vocations in the priesthood & consecrated life. Yes, we have the power to change things with the weapon of the rosary! Keep the Faith!

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