USA: Your timely reminder that both Political Parties do actually want to kill you

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5 thoughts on “USA: Your timely reminder that both Political Parties do actually want to kill you”

  1. A month ago or so JR Nyquist posted a video that logically explained how the conspiracy behind 911 is false. It explained that since jet fuel burns at around 600 degrees C, and steel loses about 50% of its strength at this temperature then it is logical that the towers collapse was related to the planes smashing into the towers, and jet fuel weakening the steel structure.

    But in my opinion, this excuse does not explain how the buildings fell at free fall speed. That could only have been done with explosion of demolition charges in sequence set like what these firefighters saw.

    1. I used to believe the Jet Fuel theory, but my father who was an engineer doubted it, because when a building falls from structural failure, it does not disintegrate uniformly and so does not fall evenly. But he had not the opportunity to see this video, which is conclusive evidence of demolition tech.

      1. Large family never believed it…Due to having Architect, ‘Structural Engineer’, Heavy Equipment Operators as well as Construction Specialists in the family, too. KNEW IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FROM THE FIRST VIDEO OF THE FIRST BUILDING FALLING. The deliberate ‘Poker Face’ of Bush in the Classroom was the final cue proving the fallacy for the same family playing ‘Penny Anti Poker’ often.

    1. I really doubt this because

      1) the explosions are identical in form to building demolitions elsewhere.
      2) The explosions begin on the inside.

      However, explosive charges can be detonated by remote control, and high energy weapons can be used to communicate such a signal.

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