If you won’t listen to Christians who are opposed to Islamic invasions, maybe try some Rabbis?


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9 thoughts on “If you won’t listen to Christians who are opposed to Islamic invasions, maybe try some Rabbis?”

  1. Declaration that it’s too late? Prophecy? Or will?
    Anyway, catastrophic political choices (based on arrogance, among other considerations) have led to this.

  2. Either way, America is armed so they can fight back.

    However Europe is so communist they would allow themselves to be swarmed and trampled by the Muslims.

    1. Were I European…Would find a way to create weapons and plan for defense. It can be done just as done in the U.S. There are many once in any number of Military Units and Police in the West are now seemingly militarized. NOT ALL ARE ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE and supportive of Fascism. Where there is a will, there is a way.

      1. Slings and traps are the best weapons against mobs.

        Slings – you never run out of ammunition, and you can practice all day long.

        Traps – instills instinctual fear to the victims. The darker the surroundings, the more effective the mental damage.

        I have been living against wild dogs 🐕 (figuratively) for years now. Having two dogs 🐕 is also very helpful.

  3. “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad” by Leo Hohmann was a book banned by the Publishing Industry last year. In the book, an interview with a Catholic Nun born and raised in the Muslim Arab World relates the horror and tragedy of Christian Martyrdom inherent to that religion…Through brutality, torture as in the day of Christ.
    38,000 times, the Qu’ran, Haddith, Surahs DEMAND THE AVERAGE MUSLIM TO MURDER ANYBODY NOT A MUSLIM…By beheading and crucifixtion. Girls are to be married preferably before menarchy or the age of 13 according to Sharia Law. Mohammed was the equivalent of a Camel Trucker in Trade definitely exposed to beliefs of both the Judeo-Christian Traditions and he was also a Pedophile who was sexually active with a child of 9 years, Aisha.
    This invasion of Illegal Aliens into the North is merely a part of the plan for World Coup with the Central Banker’s Centralized out of ‘The City of London’ and Nazi Basel, Switzerland.

    This book is a phenomenal read…Better than University study for Islam if not residing among the Muslims.

      1. A mashup of the Nestorian heresy and the Talmud spawned in the Arabian peninsula by those condemned as being like their father the Devil, a murderer from the beginning.

  4. The Muslim jihadis are being used by the Rothschild cabal to “fulfill the Judeo-Masonic prophesies.” The first rabbi says “fulfill the Hassad prophesies.” I just learned they are in Deuteronomy I believe.

  5. Brother, when posting videos from Know Your News and Adam Green, please warn your readers they believe Jesus is a Jewish hoax. Thank you.

    You have my permission to contact me. Some thing coming our way.

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