Fr. Jackson, FSSP, to be sentenced upto 20 years for Child Porn

Editor’s Note: Fr. Jackson has pleaded guilty, his trial is set to begin on June 20th. He could be sentenced up to 20 years, and a  guilty plea is a legal attempt to reduce that seeking the mercy of the court.

Within the space of a fortnight two “Traditional” priests have been exposed for sexual perversion. Let this be a lesson to the entire Church, that, contrary to what Bishop Houder believes, the Mass is NOT the Creed! — The Creed of the Church is the profession of Faith in the Incarnate God who is our Master in Morality and the Teacher of Personal Holiness. — The Traditional Mass, despite being written by Saints, remains merely a assemblage of texts which can be recited by hypocrites of the most devious deception. Those who defended these priests after they were accused (I am not referring to their legal teams) when substantial forensic evidence clearly showed the cause of justice was in their incarceration, now need to examine their own consciences for being part of the problem.

The case of Fr. Jackson was a slam dunk on forensic principles, but in his dishonesty he dragged the matter out as long as possible, without any remorse for his grave lack of sincerity. For to keep in one’s possession an external drive, through multiple locations, which contains thousands of images of perverse nature, shows rank impenitence and deeply seated vicious motivations. To claim that it was there but that he was not responsible is such an contradiction of the moral approach every Catholic Priest should espouse, that this case, which involved a man entrusted with the formation of priests, as Rector of the Fraternity of St. Peter Seminary in Nebraska, shows more than any other how utterly debased priestly formation is throughout the West, in that, there is no attempt at all even to properly vet those entrusted with the formation of these gifts from God, priestly vocations.

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8 thoughts on “Fr. Jackson, FSSP, to be sentenced upto 20 years for Child Porn”

  1. Don’t know what the problem is…The reason these Priests are being incarcerated for Child Porn. Child Trafficking/Rape/Farming for the specific purpose of making babies to abuse/rape/murder/ritualistically murder for Lucifer/Satan is a $38 BILLION Industry in the U.S…Where slavery no longer exists in most people’s minds. The Airline Industry earns roughly $21 Billion per year and is a way to measure just how ingrained into the Market it is. THERE ARE COUNTLESS wealthy and popular people guilty as Baby-Blood Drinkers/Abusers/Rapists/Murderers/Satanists or Luciferians…And, NOBODY SPEAKS A WORD ABOUT HOW ABOMINABLE AND HORRIFIC ALL OF IT IS. NOBODY PRESSES CHARGES OR WHISTLEBLOWS. It’s grievous and such a nightmare; so difficult to face as fact or to confront as such evil is unthinkable and unimaginable for most. And still, disturbing and repugnant as it is…REAL BABIES AND CHILDREN SUFFER THIS EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY. How many babies and children could be saved were the world to confront this heinous evil by taking down the wealthy and popular; ANYBODY PERPETRATING THIS, instead of focusing on World Coup?

    1. The legal system has to prosecute everyone, it is just that this case was notorious within small circles in the USA among those who assert that the TLM will solve all the problems in the Church. It became hot point of conversation. Now the conclusion of the argument is clear.

      1. Given the FBIs involvement in child trafficking, drug and gun running and targeting Catholics — I do not believe that this priest is guilty. It is easy enough to torture someone into a confession.

        Gates got away with child porn on his/her hard drive — by blaming an employee.

        And u tube has a child porn entry point and database as a young blogger demonstrated.

      2. He has confessed his guilt after 2 years of consideration with his lawyers counsel. If you still cannot bring yourself to admit that he himself freely admits his guilt, then you are moving the bounds of rational credibility to an extreme position.

    2. Agreed. Our leadership is saturated with these luciferian monsters who hunt and murder children and youth as sport among other evils.

  2. Many innocent parties plead guilty in order to get a reduced sentence that is the reality of our broken legal system. I worked in the legal profession for many years and know how it functions against the interests of justice. And only God knows the truth in most cases.

    1. What you say is true, but that does not make him innocent by presumption. Once a man pleads guilty, the forensic presumption is that he is guilty. Unless there is a gun to his head. But Jackson is known to me through seminarians who told me about him long ago, which is why I believed the accusation from the first hour I read it.

      1. I have not heard about the seminarians previously — too bad –another rotten apple in the Church.

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