The pro-President of the Pontifical Commission for Evangelization and Culture, Msgr. Fischella, said, “Nell’attenzione alle opere d’arte, che da secoli sono patrimonio dell’umanità e che diventano meta di turisti del mondo intero, è utile ribadire che la loro protezione è responsabilità di tutti e per questo si deve condannare con convinzione ogni forma di violenza che attenta alla loro conservazione”, which in English would be: “In the matter of the works of art, which have been part of the patrimony of humanity for ages, and which are becoming the focal point of tourists world-wise, it is useful to repeat that their protection is the responsibility of all, and for this reason, one must condemn with conviction every form of violence which attacks their conservation.”
This statement seems to have been issued just as the trial of 2 eco-terrorists began at the Vatican on May 24, 2023:
They look … like Globalists.