ITALY: Msgr. Bruno Forte forbids Communion-on-Tongue and Holy Water

Editor’s Note: This is the bishop who said that if they found the body of the dead Jesus of Nazareth, that he would still believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI made him an Archbishop, after he published his scandalous thesis. — I say this because some people think Pope Benedict XVI was a saint, or is the greatest theologian of our epoch. — Fortunately for Catholics, he is bishop of a small diocese, and his decision has more an impact on the media, than on the faithful.

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4 thoughts on “ITALY: Msgr. Bruno Forte forbids Communion-on-Tongue and Holy Water”

  1. Ah! One who clearly tries to think “above” the entire history of the Church. How tiring it must be to even try.

  2. Caro Fra Bugnolo, scusami, ma io non capisco quello che vuoi dire con il tuo commento… Hai sempre parlato bene Di Papa Benedetto XVI e affermato che lui era un grande Teologo, al contrario Affermavi che Bergoglio era un Massone Anti-Cristo.. ora nei tuoi ultimi interventi sostieni il Contrario? Cosa sta succedendo??
    Grazie in anticipo per i tuoi chiarimenti.

    1. Non ho affermato niente tale. Ma ho occhi che vedono la realta’ con una bocca che dice semplicamente che vedo.

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