Monthly Archives: April 2023
Google now purposefully misdirects any user regarding FromRome.Info articles
Editor’s Note: You have to write very complicated censorship script, to get a search engine to give you 1 result out of ten which actually corresponds to your search criteria. It’s work that broken. It’s 1983…. one more year to 1984. — This is of course assisted by those who find the truth, but do not share the truth.
Compare Google’s results, to Microsoft’s BING, which actually works like a search engine:
Systematic Review of 2100 Studies on Face Masks show that the “Science” was wrong again
VATICAN: Wikipedia has been promoting a fake Vatican flag for years
USA: Missouri Cattlemens’ Association Rep admits Double mRNA Vaxxed Cattle being sold
Click to open to hear and see video testimony.
Trampling over Death, He has risen to reward those who seek the Truth
Christ is Risen! — Indeed, He has risen!
Wishing a most blessed Easter to one and all!
A view of the coming AI Revolution, from a Programming Specialist
Let us go to the Saints, when preachers fall silent
My God, My God, why have I forsaken Thee!
These are the words, not found in the Bible, which every believer in Christ should ask himself today.
As an Everlasting Commemoration
A Meditation for Holy Thursday Night
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
I doubt there is a Christian on earth, who has ever lived, who has not desired at some time in his life, to have lived when Jesus lived, to have beheld Him face to face, to have eaten with Him and to have been embraced by Him.
Knowing, that the Lord Jesus established a way for every Christian who truly believes and loves Him to enjoy such consolations.
This gift he gave Christendom this night!
In our daily lives, and especially in our darkest hours, let us seek Him out to have such consolations!
Dr. Mihalcea: Commercial Meat has been found to contain Nanotech
CrossAzure.Net: Join the Social Media for Human beings, not trolls or bots
USA: Federal Reserve announces roll out of Central Bank Digital Currency by July
Pope vs. AntiPope
Editor’s Note: The next time anyone says that the promise of Christ has no effect, or that the election of the Roman Pontiff by apostolic right is of no avail, share this post!
An invitation to join an Order for heroic men and women
The Christian Passover is nigh
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
If you ate a delicious pizza at a pizza restaurant, and then said: “this is the kind of pizza an Italian would make,” all would understand it as praise and no one would take offense.
But among cultural marxists, if you ate a bagel an a store run by another ethnicity, and said something similar, you would be attacked for being a anti-semite. For some this kind of attack is merely a silly annoyance, and for others it causes a complete mental breakdown requiring a total reversion of thought back into categories of a primitive mind, where one abandons all freedom of speech and follows the directives of the regressive primitive Marxist.
That is why one of the most radically true and liberating things any human being can do is to celebrate the Christian Passover. (And no, I am not speaking of a seder supper)
When one thinks of Passover, one naturally things of the Hebrews of old and how Moses was instructed by God to lead them out of the slavery of Egypt. So calling Passover Christian is something culturally radical, even if it has less meaning today than it did in the first centuries of Christendom.
If one were to object that Christians are trying to expropriate a Hebrew holy day, one could respond that other modern day groups do the same to Christmas, and are praised for it. But this is not as well known.
I have, however, always wondered by radio plays Christmas songs which say nothing about the birth of Jesus Christ. I mean, is not the birth of Jesus the reason for Christmas? Even the name, “Christmas” shouts the Roman Catholic faith, because we, among all Christians, call the Eucharistic celebration on Dec. 25, the Mass of Christ.
So you might be surprised to find information like this on the internet in regard to Christmas:
Now some, at the sight of this graphic might start frothing at the mouth, but remember, true antisemitism is manifested by those who get angry at the publication of the historical truth of the cultural achievements of those semitic peoples alive today.
Cultural Marxists play this game, because in their hearts, they actually think that a certain group of people are so criminal that to name them is a crime.
This is why, though in a different manner, the same culture warriors might get enraged that we are about to celebrate the Christian Passover, or better yet, the Passover of Jesus Christ, the true and only Messiah promised by God through Moses.
But since by Baptism and Faith we have passed from darkness to light, and from error to truth, let us glory in this, that we Christians alone have inherited all the promises of old, and that what God intended of old is now perfectly fulfilled in the New.
This does not mean that we are better, but it does mean that mere genetic descent from the Patriarchs was never intended by God as the guarantee of salvation, just as there mere fact of Baptism does not guarantee Christians Heaven.
What matters is that we walk humbly with God, and accept that He alone determines the truth of religion: which is consummated only in the Catholic Church and Faith.
The war against Food Production is the next step toward the Great Reset
VATICAN: Pope Francis hospitalized after alleging Lula was a lawfare victim
A Meditation for Holy Week: On Friendship and Reparation
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
We all value friendship. In good times, friends make the joy greater, as one celebrates together with them the pleasant things of life. In times of doubt and darkness, friends are the source of counsel and the light to guide us through trials. And in times when we are abandoned by all, the friends who remain are the gold and fire that keeps us from despair.
But imagine what it would be like, to have a friend who was a friend in good times and bad, in times of darkness and in abandonment, but who nevertheless without warning stuck a knife into your back, without so much as a thought or regret, but repented of it shortly afterwards.
How would we humans regard such a friend?
I think we would agree to avoid him whenever possible, because we would always be fearing the next knife attack.
But when we consider that God has blessed us with everything under heaven which is good for us, and has forgiven us of all our sins, after having redeemed us on the Cross, and YET is still willing to take us back, after we stab Him in the back, we can begin to understand IN A SMALL DROP OF A WAY, the vast immense ocean of God’s Mercy and forbearance.
And if you recognized that you are a habitual sinner, then this consideration should be made at length, in quite, alone, until tears burst out of both eyes.
And if we are to find this grace, it is this Holy Week, most of all, that we should seek it. For it is in this way that we can truly sanctify this time.
And this is the time to make reparation for all our treacheries to Jesus Christ, especially by worthily receiving the Most Blessed Sacrament as an act of reparation for our own sins throughout life.
Indeed, only when we make this attitude our perpetual state of mind, can we be reckoned among the elect of God. The rest shall be reckoned with the Iscariot.