Br. Bugnolo’s April Appeal

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

At the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, I have some regular expenses, even when I am away, which I cannot meet this month, since I have nothing left over from March.

Here is the breakdown, in Euros: 1300 for rent, 100 for electricity.

I wish to thank my readers for their continued support, and extend my gratitude to the few of them who now carry the bulk of my personal expenses.

If you would like to help me, in this way, use this donation button and a debit/credit card. You do not have to have a PayPal account.

Or if you would just like to help FromeRome.Info:

Or if you would just like to help me with personal expenses, like for food and travel:

In advance I offer my gratitude and prayers to all who read this article, regardless of whether they can or cannot help me this month.

ROME: Englishman pretending to be a bishop holds a cookie service at Saint John Lateran

Editor’s Note: There is nothing that can be said to condone in any way the grave sacrilege committed by those who participated in this act, nor of the act of schism with the Catholic Church by those who permitted it. But it remains to be seen whether this man who was never validly consecrated a Bishop holds the Catholic Faith or con-celebrated with a validly ordained priest, since more than 30 men collaborated with him in the act. The grave scandal, however, remains in any case, since no announcement was made beforehand. The group represented the traditionalist Anglo-Catholic society in the Anglican Church, which ostensibly holds the doctrine of transubstantiation.

UPDATE: The Vicar of the Canons of this Papal Basilica has expressed his dismay and consternation in a letter which has been publicly shared:


The Chapter of the Lateran Basilica, in the person of His Excellency Mons. Di Tora, Vicar of the Cathedral Chapter, expresses his profound regret for what transpired last Tuesday, April 18, inside the Basilica of Saint John, at Rome. In fact, a group of about 50 priests, accompanied by their Bishop, all belonging to the Anglican Communion, celebrated on the high altar, in contravention of canonical norms. Mons. Di Tora has also explained that the unfortunate episode was caused by a clack of communication.


I would appear that the Vicar of the Chapter is calling the Vatican II altar placed in the Choir of the Basilica, the High Altar. This is not what most call the high altar in that basilica, which is the altar under the cupola at the center of the cruciform Church.  This church is the Cathedral of the Diocese of Rome and is called the Mother and Head of all the Churches of Christendom. To allow fake clergy and/or heretics to celebrate inside is a most profound sacrilege. But evidently, the Vicar is taking the responsibility for this canonical crime. — I find it highly credible that the Vicar mistook these traditionalist Anglicans for Catholics, because in many ways they appear more catholic than most clergy who pilgrimage to the Basilica. — Those websites which blamed Pope Francis for this scandal, now, need to apologize.

Matt Walsh hacked, as “Antifa” goes on social media to destroy and silence opposition

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This news resounds with me and AJ, who are now being stalked online and harassed from all corners of the globe, mostly from the servers of legal departments, by radical cultural marxist extortionists. — We have had to file numerous legal complaints and 3 criminal complaints. And soon we will have police watching our residences 24/7.

What is happening here? — I think that the Globalists realize that they cannot achieve their 2030 agenda without using the most nefarious antics. As I have warned repeatedly during the last 3 years, they have allowed us social media ‘freedom’ for time, to profile those who are their own worst ideological enemies. Now they are creating online Brownshirt organizations, made up of radical fascists, marxists and sexual deviants, all of whom are being weaponized in online MKUltra programs to target the enemies of the Globalists, a. k. a. Rothschilds (who back and finance all the prime movers).

In the last 40 years we have been enured to trust in electronic means of communication, banking, and commerce. Now, radicals in these institutions are going to break trust with all of us to steal our online identities, finances, and destroy our employment and reputations.

If you use online services of any kind, the first thing you can do is to cut off services with all the companies which are globalist, and upgrade all your passwords. Best of all is to stop all services. Most online forums, except CrossAzure.Net are places for the destruction of the reputation of all who oppose globalism, anyhow, so its a win win to leave them.

Matt Walsh was hacked, when some technician, either at his phone company or at some online service such as Google, gave the hacker(s) access to his cellphone, and by that gave them access to his emails. They now have all his private information going back 20 years. He has had to station private body guards 24/7 at his home to protect himself and his family.

It really sounds a lot like pre-WWII Germany.

AJ & Br. Bugnolo meet for 1st time to celebrate 6th Anniversary of Ordo Militaris Inc.


Editor’s Note: One of the needs of the Order which would really help it to grow, would be the donation of a farm property in the USA in one of the states which allow military training (with generous gun laws). In such a place, we could not only train men and recruits, but run various operations to support the expenses of the Order. If you live in the USA and would like to donate a property or allow the free or charitable use, please contact me at 1 (406) 299-9260. AJ and I found that it is so much easier to work, when we are in the same place. We have been doing everything over the phone for 6 years from hundreds to thousands of miles apart.

VATICAN: Pope Francis removes right of 80+ yr. old Bishops in Easter Rites to vote in Synods

Editor’s Note: Since the times of the Apostles, Bishops of whatever age were allowed equally to have a voice in Synods and Councils when deciding any matter, and in the nomination and election of Patriarchs and Bishops in Eastern and Western Churches.

But since the time of Paul VI the right of Catholic Bishops who were over 75 years of age have lost all such rights, and are asked to resign. Even Cardinals over 80 years of age, can not vote in a Conclave.

I personally hold that whereas the Pope can remove right of Cardinals to do anything he likes, because the Cardinalate is a creation of the Popes, he cannot do so in regard to bishops, since the Order of Bishops is of Apostolic Tradition. But this opinion to which I hold has not yet gained the approval of any Synod, Council or Pope, though I believe it will be one day. I think, however, that any bishop thus deprived of his apostolic right can try to vindicate it, and until someone does, this grave error, will not be corrected.