The Christian Passover is nigh

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

If you ate a delicious pizza at a pizza restaurant, and then said: “this is the kind of pizza an Italian would make,” all would understand it as praise and no one would take offense.

But among cultural marxists, if you ate a bagel an a store run by another ethnicity, and said something similar, you would be attacked for being a anti-semite.  For some this kind of attack is merely a silly annoyance, and for others it causes a complete mental breakdown requiring a total reversion of thought back into categories of a primitive mind, where one abandons all freedom of speech and follows the directives of the regressive primitive Marxist.

That is why one of the most radically true and liberating things any human being can do is to celebrate the Christian Passover. (And no, I am not speaking of a seder supper)

When one thinks of Passover, one naturally things of the Hebrews of old and how Moses was instructed by God to lead them out of the slavery of Egypt. So calling Passover Christian is something culturally radical, even if it has less meaning today than it did in the first centuries of Christendom.

If one were to object that Christians are trying to expropriate a Hebrew holy day, one could respond that other modern day groups do the same to Christmas, and are praised for it. But this is not as well known.

I have, however, always wondered by radio plays Christmas songs which say nothing about the birth of Jesus Christ. I mean, is not the birth of Jesus the reason for Christmas? Even the name, “Christmas” shouts the Roman Catholic faith, because we, among all Christians, call the Eucharistic celebration on Dec. 25, the Mass of Christ.

So you might be surprised to find information like this on the internet in regard to Christmas:

Now some, at the sight of this graphic might start frothing at the mouth, but remember, true antisemitism is manifested by those who get angry at the publication of the historical truth of the cultural achievements of those semitic peoples alive today.

Cultural Marxists play this game, because in their hearts, they actually think that a certain group of people are so criminal that to name them is a crime.

This is why, though in a different manner, the same culture warriors might get enraged that we are about to celebrate the Christian Passover, or better yet, the Passover of Jesus Christ, the true and only Messiah promised by God through Moses.

But since by Baptism and Faith we have passed from darkness to light, and from error to truth, let us glory in this, that we Christians alone have inherited all the promises of old, and that what God intended of old is now perfectly fulfilled in the New.

This does not mean that we are better, but it does mean that mere genetic descent from the Patriarchs was never intended by God as the guarantee of salvation, just as there mere fact of Baptism does not guarantee Christians Heaven.

What matters is that we walk humbly with God, and accept that He alone determines the truth of religion: which is consummated only in the Catholic Church and Faith.

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2 thoughts on “The Christian Passover is nigh”

  1. I was taught by my elders in The one true Church not to complain..about anything…put iti in the open wounded side of Christ to heal whatever happened. I never quite understood why I couldn’t or shouldn’t complain..after all doesn’t everybody complain. Watch all of the protestors on tv..isn’t that complaining ?
    But , yesterday I was sitting on my porch listening to the birds chanting back and forth in their happy songs and I thought about Good Fri and how Jesus carried that cross uphill and died without any complaints. True, he said ” I thirst “…but that wasnt a complaint. So, tomorrow dont complain in union with Jesus.

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