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Stop treating Jesus as your insurance policy. He is your God!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

We all know of the modern phenomenon of the baptized Catholic who only calls himself “Catholic” when he wants to spout some heresy, blasphemy or Marxist agenda point.

However, in Lent, we need to turn our eyes to the other more common grievous errors, of which, perhaps, all of us have been guilty of at some time in our lives.

First of all, there is the cultural Catholic. He is the one who marvels and praises the Catholic Religion for its visible achievements in art, architecture, liturgy, literature, philosophy etc.. He enjoys being Catholic and the Catholic Faith, but he stops at that. He may or may not defend the truths of the Faith, but he will not disassociate from the Catholic Faith. This kind of Catholic is not living at the level of faith. He is certainly failing first of all in gratitude, because the Catholic Religion does not exist to make your life enjoyable or pleasant nor to serve you as a cultural context, even though it does all these things. Just as there were many in Israel, and even among the Apostles, who admired the Temple of Herod, Our Lord reminded us all that such things will pass away, and that to appreciate their experience but not use them for eternal purposes, is to misuse them.

Second, there is the most common type of Catholic, who sees Jesus and the Catholic Faith as his insurance policy. He definitely believes the Faith on important issues, and wants to make sure that if there is a Hell, he does not end up there. — If he has a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, he believes because it guarantees him a career or education. But Jesus always remains a god who exists to serve him and obtain things for him. That is it. Yes, there is the love of gratitude and friendship, but not the love of a God to be adored unconditionally. — But in no case, is Jesus a reason for him to change his career, lifestyle, home or to do anything that would seriously alter his personal relationships with anyone except those whom he does not like or sees a personal advantage in unfriending.

The problem here is that Jesus is not our collectible nor our insurance policy. And thus one is just in saying that these two types of Catholics are misusing the Catholic Religion and not taking to heart the Gospel preached by the Church, which says that Jesus is the Living God and that we must and are ontologically obliged to serve Him alone.

The near disappearance of this third kind of Catholic spirit is precisely what is behind Vatican II and the aggiornamento: indeed it is absolutely impossible such a Council would have been ever called or conceived, let alone executed, if this third kind of a Catholic was in charge.

This is also the reason why Catholics are finding it neigh impossible to believe that Christ promised us through His High Priestly Prayer to guarantee some basic minimums for the visible Church, minimums which do not include a Church which is culturally pleasant to myself or which serves me as an insurance policy.

If we worship God alone, the rest follows as a dividend on our investment of faith. If not, it will all be stripped away.

Lent is now the season. Let us take time and review how we have treated our God and Savior and how we have limited our relationship with Him. And let us change our priorities.

Efficacy of the Prayer of the High Priest, Jesus Christ, Report: Week 5 of Pope Francis’ Pontificate

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


The juridically valid election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to be Roman Pontiff, was held on Monday, January 30, 2023, at about 12:30 PM, 5 weeks ago.

The proof of its validity in the sight of God is that the one elected is now the beneficial receiver of Christ’s High Priestly Prayer for Peter: “I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail”, as evidenced by the PUBLIC FACT that Pope Francis has not uttered 1 blasphemy or heresy in the last 5 weeks.

This week, I want to comment on the total dishonesty of the controlled Masonic media, who while Pope Francis was without the petrine munus defended or tore their garments at every heresy and blasphemy he uttered, but now, without anything such for 5 weeks, remains totally silent, as if nothing has changed, or worse, regurgitates past events as present, with the pretense that the same is on going.

The worst of which is Frank Walker of Canon 212, who has become even more strident in his insults toward Pope Francis since January 30, 2023.  I do not know why this would be, but I do know that Frank is a stand up comedian and saxophonist by profession, who is clearly pushing a narrative, rather reporting events factually and dispassionately.

The combined silence of these media outlets, is another LOUD but false TESTIMONY FOR ALL WHO HAVE EARS TO HEAR.

Our Lord said, if you have faith, you will be able to say to the mountain, move, and it will be moved. The Mountain is now in motion and those who want to see, can see it.

Would that Catholics have more trust in Jesus Christ. Perhaps many think He is a myth and that the claims of His power are just that, old superstitions. But He is the One Who has the words of eternal life. And when we risk ourselves in believing in His Words, only then do we hook our wagon to the train which is headed to Heaven.

Yet no social media influence speaking on this topic has dared confront Canon Law. They all keep telling Catholics that Pope Francis has turned against the TLM once again. It is a complete lie. By not issuing a rescript, Pope Francis is indicating that as Pope, he does NOT approve of this attempt by Cardinal Roche to squash the Old Rites.

But what we can see, is that, now that Pope Francis is validly elected, the controlled Catholic Media ares treating him as they treated Pope Benedict XVI with strident and daily outrageous insults and accusations. These journalists and social media influences are showing themselves to be true enemies of Christ.

I will report on this on a weekly basis, to glorify the Lord Jesus and His wondrous care for His Flock through the grace of the petrine munus, so that those who see and believe might praise God, and those who disbelieve and say that they see, might be confounded in eternity.



CREDITS: The featured image is taken from the Icon of Christ, the High Priest, available on line here.

YORE: There has been a tectonic shift in the Church

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Elizabeth Yore had finally admitted what FromRome.Info has documented from the beginnings and from its origin: that “there has been a tectonic shift” in recent weeks in the Catholic Church.

While she does not know the cause, she notes that all of a sudden it appears that the Catholic Hierarchy have awakened and are wiling to battle heresy and dissent in the open, even to the point of using the word, “heresy”, which has not been heard since the days of the Council.

She also does not know the date upon which this shift began.

While readers of FromRome.Info even know the precise day and hour, I need to point out that the source of the article above is not entirely sincere in its reporting. In fact, we have a twofold movement going on since January 30, 2023 A. D..

One is that of the Holy Spirit who is inspiring Catholics to come alive and live the faith, in union with the Church and Peter, and to see many problems in the Church caused by the CIA program to infiltrate and destroy us ideologically from within.

The other is the CIA controlled opposition, which has been ordered into a coordinated attack against the unity of the Church, now that their handlers have discerned that Pope Francis is no longer under their control in his public acts.

This second movement, which is of Hell, is attempting to convince Catholics that they, not Christ, can alone save the Church, and to do so they must break the rules and laws of ecclesiastical communion and hierarchical subordination.

However, for the confutation and confoundation of these workers of iniquity, the Holy Spirit is at work to use even these to His purpose, which is to glorify the Father in Christ by manifesting the efficacy of the High Priestly Prayer of the Eternal Son for His true Vicar on Earth, the man who has received the petrine munus, after his juridically valid election at the end of January, by the Roman Church.

Here, it is absolutely necessary to use spiritual discernment and the weapons of righteousness, and not fall into the deceits of the flesh and the pride which would excuse the works of darkness. We must be simple as doves.

The Church cannot be saved by men, because Christ Jesus is Her only savior. Yet, the Church can be repaired by the Faithful if we ardently and zealously work with Christ as Christ wants us to.

This means first of all generous prayers and sacrifices to obtain grace for our sacred pastors, so that they cooperate with Christ’s High Priestly Prayer which promotes repentance, reconciliation, and the profession of the perennial faith of the Church in the cultivation of the ancient and immemorial rites which where handed down by Christ through the hands of the Apostles, and from them through their disciples down through the ages.

And this requires, on the part of our minds, that we reject utterly the false narratives sown in public discourse since 1953, when the U.S. Department of Defense and CIA began their ideological war against the Catholic Church, ideated the Vatican Council and plotted to undermine the Church from within.

And so we must be bold and courageous to not merely stop at the observation which Yore has made, in the effort to support half the truth, namely, that the Second Vatican Council, in declaring nothing dogmatically and deciding nothing canonically, represents in no manner whatsoever the authentic infallible magisterium of the Church, and must be rejected totally on the grounds that its first cause and purpose were suggested by the CIA not the Holy Spirit.

But we must do this spiritually, but insisting with our sacred pastors in person, that they snap out of the false presumption, that they must always do what their peers and superiors opine, rather than stick to putting in practice what they have validly and juridically enacted. They must attend very carefully to these things, recognizing that Saint Pius V’s Quo Primum remains in force, that Paul VI’s Missale Romanum is a dead letter, inasmuch as it institutes nothing, and that Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum correctly discerns that what was never abrogated cannot be forbidden.

But while this view of the liturgical or ecclesiological problem is widespread, it must be united to the canonical understanding of who is the true pope and when a man becomes and renounces such an Office, which is a thing not understood by press releases, but by the law itself, so that one can rightly discern HOW TO OBEY and WHAT TO OBEY, from when to not obey a document without authority or a superior acting ultra vires, that is, beyond his authority.

At the same time we ought to ramp up the canonical petitions and denunciations and insist that public heretics be corrected or expelled, while errors be confessed and denounced, and reprove more severely than ever, but with greater charity, our sacred pastors who follow the false gospel, which says, that “I can commit no sin, so long as I blindly follow my superior’s whims.”

Christ Jesus never taught that we should follow our superiors whims, when our superior is not God. He and His Church have always taught that when our superiors in Christ are mere men, we only follow them in their juridically valid commands. The rest we ought never respect or disrespect except on the criterion of their conformity or non conformity with the Faith.

Is a Man converted, when he is elected Pope?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I detest persons who pretend to be members of a minority, so that they can push propaganda and troll social media accounts. But even so, there are some objections which even though they are ridiculous and are uttered by such villans, touch upon important points of the Catholic Faith, and thus, need to be confuted.

While there were a few medieval theologians who were such papal maximalists that they held, that a man elected to the papacy, after his acceptance, became a living saint, the common opinion of all Catholic theologians has always rejected this absurdity. Anyone with a little knowledge of papal history knows that there have been lechers who were Pope, while they were the Pope. It would thus be blasphemy to assert such a maximalistic position.

But it would also be a grave error to believe that a man, just because he was validly and juridically elected to the papacy, and accepted explicitly before or after his election, to be the pope, had a moral conversion.

This is a grave misunderstanding. Yes, Christ does pray for Peter so that he never fail in faith and that he be converted, if he be a sinner.  But Christ’s High Priestly prayer only guarantees that every Roman Pontiff not fall into pertinacious heresy or destroy the Church by attacking the deposit of the Faith in an irreparable manner, and guarantees that he is offered the grace to repent of his sins.

This is a subtle distinction, between things necessary and things convenient, or rather, between things which pertain to the person of the pope and the person who is the pope.

Christ Jesus being man’s Creator is not going to destroy or take away the liberty of any man. And for that reason, He will pray for the conversion of Peter, but He cannot force any Pope to convert. The liberty to refuse such an awesome prayer and grace remains. And that is why St. Alphonsus dei Liguori held that those Popes who were not canonized, were damned, because of the terrible magnitude of the duties of a Roman Pontiff.

But Christ did promise that His Church will not be overcome by the gates of the netherworld, and thus to keep that promise He does exercise a regal authority over the person of His vicar on earth, preventing him from transgressing matters which pertain to His will in the governance of the Church.

This regal intervention is merely providential, it is not necessarily executed by grace alone. It can come about through other persons, obstacles, error, or even ignorance or bad weather or death. Thus it is an outcome based governance, and can be discerned only in the juridical acts or lack there of, of the Roman Pontiff as they regard the whole Church, not any part thereof. It is like the reins on a horse, which a rider uses when he rides the horse, with an adventurous desire on his part, but not a suicidal one. The horse will not harm itself or the rider, but it will be allowed to gallop hither and thither, avoiding cliffs, snakes, etc..

Thus, except for exceptional graces which regard particular persons who are not the pope, Christ will not prevent a Pope from persecuting this or that person or group of persons. Hey, some popes started wars which killed thousands of catholics! Popes have been followers of this kingdom or that, of this empire or that. They have even shamefully bowed down to this emperor or that. But they have never attacked the Faith or cancelled the ancient liturgy or traditions of the Church.

For this reason, we should pray for the Holy Father, whomsoever he be at the present moment in our life in which we find ourselves. But we should avoid that tendency to canonize him simply because he is our highest superior on earth. While it is true, that as such, we cannot judge him, we can and should affirm in private and when necessary in public, the moral law which all must keep, even the Pope.

For the record, I do not see any information which convinces me that any pope after Pius X lived heroic virtues. I do not hold that canonizations are ipso facto infallible acts of the magisterium. I leave it to God to canonize a man by working a miracle in response to his prayers. And being pope is not a miracle.

As regards the recent events surrounding Cardinal Roche, I have explained the interventions of Christ already, but that does not mean that I believe that bad will towards the ancient mass has been extinguished in certain souls or even that certain souls disagree with what they held several months ago.

Letter to the Editor: The United Attack on the Vicar of Christ

Dear Editor,

Firstly, very well done for your noble work on behalf of Holy Mother Church.  These truly are extraordinary times for we who are wedded to Truth Himself.

You mentioned in a recent post that the globalists are now smearing Pope Francis, having recognised that he is no longer one of their own.  An example landed in my inbox today, from a Catholic friend who appears to have taken at face value a truly scurrilous piece of deceptive reporting from NewsPunch and its subsidiary fronted by Baxter Dmitry.  I haven’t been able to discover whether the video and “news” article are a repost, however the article linked below is dated 20 February and is a lying hatchet job  from beginning to end, conflating various words and deeds of Jorge Mario Bergoglio from his days as antipope:

The lead “theme” is taken from a Guardian article of February 2019 and is, with much sensationalist blather, woven seamlessly into other misdeeds of the antipope from 2019 including the Pachamama escapade.  Baxter Dmitry’s delivery is highly camp, inflammatory and seeking to pit “conservative Christians” against Catholics who might choose to support Pope Francis.  One huge bait and switch, a shell game based on the globalists clear admission that they now have to take down Francis and use him in his now converted self as a wedge issue with the largely ignorant Catholic audience, whether tradservative or Novus Ordo:

It’s informative to note the Wikipedia entry for Newspunch which says that its founders were Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his husband Sinclair Treadway.  To be frank it never ceases to amaze me how easily people, including Catholics, are taken in by the likes of Baxter Dmitry.  He has absolutely zero sincerity and is so transparently agenda driven as to be laughable, not to mention his extremely gay body language and delivery.

I hope this proves useful to you.  It is amazingly moving to ponder the awesome power of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ manifest in his conversion of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis from 30 January 2023.  I never thought I would live to say it, but I positively relish praying for the man and am profoundly grateful that Our Lord and His Blessed Mother have seen fit to open my eyes to the realities of what is happening.

God bless!

With kind regards,

Mark Millward