Monthly Archives: February 2023
Pope Francis: Human Augmentation compresses, not elevates man
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters,
Your Eminence, dear Bishops!
I warmly welcome you! I thank Archbishop Paglia for the words he addressed to me and all of you for the commitment you dedicate to the promotion of human life. Thank you!
In these days you will reflect on the relationship between the person, emerging technologies and the common good: it is a delicate frontier where progress, ethics and society meet, and where faith, in its perennial relevance, can provide a valuable contribution. In this sense, the Church never ceases to encourage the progress of science and technology at the service of the dignity of the person and for an “integral and integral” human development [1]. In the letter I sent to you on the occasion of the twenty-fifth year of the foundation of the Academy, I invited you to delve into this very theme [2]; now I would like to reflect with you on three challenges that I consider important in this regard: the change in human living conditions in the technological world; the impact of new technologies on the very definition of “man” and “relationship”, with particular reference to the condition of the most vulnerable subjects; the concept of “knowledge” and its consequences.
First challenge: the change in man’s living conditions in the world of technology. We know that it is proper to man to act in the world in a technological way, transforming the environment and improving its living conditions. Benedict XVI recalled this, stating that technology “responds to the same vocation as human work” and that “in technology, seen as the work of his own genius, man recognizes himself and realizes his humanity” [3]. It therefore helps us to understand ever better the value and potential of human intelligence, and at the same time speaks to us of the great responsibility we have towards creation.
In the past, the connection between cultures, social activities and the environment, thanks to less dense interactions and slower effects, was less impactful. Today, however, the rapid development of technical means makes the interdependence between man and the “common home” more intense and evident, as already recognized by Saint Paul VI in Populorum progressio [4]. Indeed, the strength and acceleration of the interventions is such as to produce significant mutations – because there is a geometric acceleration, not a mathematical one -, both in the environment and in human life conditions, with effects and developments that are not always clear and predictable. Various crises are demonstrating this, from the pandemic to the energy crisis, from the climate crisis to the migration one, the consequences of which have repercussions on each other, amplifying each other. Healthy technological development cannot fail to take these complex interweaving into account.
Second challenge: the impact of new technologies on the definition of “man” and “relationship”, especially with regard to the condition of vulnerable subjects. It is evident that the technological form of human experience is becoming more pervasive every day: in the distinctions between “natural” and “artificial”, “biological” and “technological”, the criteria with which to discern what is human and of technology become increasingly difficult. Therefore, a serious reflection on the very value of man is important. In particular, it is necessary to decisively reaffirm the importance of the concept of personal conscience as a relational experience, which cannot disregard either corporality or culture. In other words, in the network of relationships, both subjective and community, technology cannot replace human contact, the virtual cannot replace the real and neither can social media replace the social sphere. And we are tempted to make the virtual prevail over the real: this is a bad temptation.
Even within scientific research processes, the relationship between the person and the community signals increasingly complex ethical implications. For example in the health sector, where the quality of information and assistance of the individual largely depends on the collection and study of available data. Here we must address the problem of combining the confidentiality of personal data with the sharing of information concerning them in the interest of all. Indeed, it would be selfish to ask to be treated with the best resources and skills available to society without helping to increase them. More generally, I am thinking of the urgency that the distribution of resources and access to care benefit everyone, so that inequalities are reduced and the necessary support is guaranteed, especially for the most fragile subjects, such as the disabled, the sick and the poor .
This is why it is necessary to monitor the speed of transformations, the interaction between changes and the possibility of guaranteeing an overall balance. Furthermore, it is not said that this balance is the same in the different cultures, as instead the technological perspective seems to assume when it imposes itself and as a universal and homogeneous language and culture – this is a mistake -; the commitment should instead be aimed at «making sure that everyone grows with the style that is peculiar to them, developing their ability to innovate starting from the values of their own culture» [5].
Third challenge: the definition of the concept of knowledge and the resulting consequences. The set of elements considered so far leads us to question ourselves about our ways of knowing, aware of the fact that the type of knowledge we implement already has moral implications in itself. For example, it is simplistic to seek the explanation of phenomena only in the characteristics of the single elements that compose them. More articulated models are needed, which consider the intertwining of relationships of which the single events are woven. It is paradoxical, for example, referring to technologies for enhancing the biological functions of a subject, to speak of an “augmented” man if one forgets that the human body refers to the integral good of the person and therefore cannot be identified with the biological organism alone. A wrong approach in this field actually ends not with “augmenting” but with “compressing” man.
In Evangelii gaudium and above all in Laudato si’ I highlighted the importance of knowledge on a human scale, organic, for example by emphasizing that “the whole is superior to the parts” and that “everything in the world is intimately connected” [6 ]. I believe that such ideas can foster a renewed way of thinking also in the theological sphere [7]; in fact, it is good that theology continues to overcome eminently apologetic approaches, to contribute to the definition of a new humanism and to encourage mutual listening and mutual understanding between science, technology and society. The lack of a constructive dialogue between these realities, in fact, impoverishes the mutual trust which is at the basis of all human coexistence and of all forms of “social friendship” [8]. I would also like to mention the importance of the contribution that dialogue between the great religious traditions offers to this end. They have age-old wisdom which can help in these processes. You have shown that you know how to grasp the value, for example by promoting, even in recent times, interreligious meetings on the themes of the “end of life” [9] and artificial intelligence [10].
Dear brothers and sisters, faced with such complex current challenges, the task before you is enormous. It is a matter of restarting from the experiences that we all share as human beings and of studying them, assuming the perspectives of complexity, trans-disciplinary dialogue and collaboration between different subjects. But we must never be discouraged: we know that the Lord does not abandon us and that what we do is rooted in the trust we place in him, the “lover of life” (Wis 11:26). You have worked hard in recent years to ensure that scientific and technological growth is increasingly reconciled with a parallel “development of the human being as regards responsibility, values and conscience” [11]: I invite you to continue on this path, while I bless you and ask you, please, to pray for me. Thank you.
The real Jack Ryan, Catholic Hero – Episode 5 – From the FBI to the OPS in Vietnam
George Webb, investigative journalist’s 6 year crusade to expose Spy Baloons
UKRAINE: President Biden makes surprise visit to Kiev
Boris Johnson made a visit to Saint Michael’s gold domed Monastery last summer. And was out of office within a month. St. Michael detests hypocrisy. So we can only pray….
You can verify the location via this video, which Br. Bugnolo made last spring:
Why Fasting and Abstinence is Essential to Catholic Life
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Fasting is a foreign conception for most Catholics in the modern world. It is such, because nearly all of us have never even had the grace to hear a homily about it, let alone be subjected to sound preaching on the matter.
So bad is the hostility to the concept of fasting, that in many translation of the Scriptures being read in Church, the famous passage of Our Lord, “This kind of demon cannot be driven out except with prayer and fasting”, the final two words are removed.
The biggest misconceptions about fasting are twofold: first that it is dangerous to your physical health, and second, that it is some sort of mystical superstition which has no value for modern scientific rational man.
These misconceptions are based on two profound errors. The first is, that our health is a consequence only of never refusing nature’s desires. And second, that a man can live a rational life, without mortifying his flesh.
Fasting, true, is a spiritual practice which has more value than merely not eating. It is a profound act of humility and of self-humiliation, as the individual Christian recognizes that in sinning, he is not only guilty in his soul, but in the misuse of his body.
Recognizing that we must make reparation for sins, too, is a work of justice. We have stolen from God in using that which He has given us so generously, so evilly. For just as even common sense, knows and recognizes, that if we drive a car in a way it was not designed to be driven, as the owner’s manual explains, that we are going to have to make more costly repairs and maintenance for misusing it, so a Faith filled sense of justice recognizes, that if we have sinned with our flesh, we need to confront the payments and work necessary to repair the damage done to brother body, in sinning.
Fasting, though few realize it, is not a work of supererogation, that is, of something done over and above duty. Rather, fasting is an absolute moral necessity for most Catholics who have come of age and have not yet passed into that phase of life where everything is breaking down and nothing is working.
For healthy adults, whenever we sense a temptation to impurity of any kind, this is is a clear warning sign, that we need to fast and practice abstinence. This is because, when the body is too prepared to do that which only married couples have the right to do, it is absolutely necessary that we reign in brother or sister body and bring it back into a proper self-controlled state of being. And this can only be done by fasting and abstinence, because, just as a fruit tree fruits when well watered and fertilizes, so the body inclines naturally as God intended toward being fruitful, when it has too much food and drink.
Fasting and abstinence are also necessary, because the drug most capable of overthrowing a rational mind, is found in the complex chemical processes which ignite and are ignited by temptations to impurity. And since this state of mind is highly addictive, such that those who fall into it rarely come out of it for decades, it is is necessary for all to be moderate and regulated in what they consume.
Most dangerous of all foods are those which cause the dilation of the blood vessels, which is why the Saints have always counsels and practices abstinence from all such foods.
Fasting and abstinence, thus, are THE easiest way to cooperate in your own salvation and those of others, because they return the balance of the body to that in which chastity and modesty come naturally, and in which the mind is free to practice the virtues toward God and neighbor.
Fasting and abstinence, moreover, are great ways of doing penance, because they effectively return the soul and mind back to a state in which God is more easily appreciated and perceived.
The Holy Season of Lent is neigh. For most of the history of the Catholic Church, before the reign of St. Pius X, Catholics kept all of Lent, including Sundays, meatless. This was a stronger medicine, and that is why past ages had more virtue.
We need to get back to using this strong Catholic medicine, inasmuch as our health permits, and requires.
In fact, a good short hand rule, for fasting and abstinence in Lent, is to undertake a practice in proportion to your sins of past year: and by mid-Lent you should already be in a better and more sober state of mind. Then go to confession and continue your fasting till Easter, to prepare to receive Our Lord worthily unto the expiation of your sins.
Here is a chart comparing the fasting and abstinence practices of Catholics throughout the centuries (click to see full sized image).
I recommend and would urge, that all who have committed a mortal sin of impurity, immediately begin what is called the Nicene Fast, show in the above chart, and keep this fast for 1-3 days, until the fires of impurity are extinguished. This should be done before confessing, because if there remains a latent inclination to gross impurity, in vain will your confession be. — I am not a priest, but if I were, I would impose this as a penance on all such sinners and with-hold their absolution until they completed it. Men who have lived lives of gluttony and impurity might have to do such a fast for more than 3 days. And certainly those who have committed such horrors many times, should with counsel of a spiritual director undertake days of fasting each week for the next month, year or for the rest of their lives. As for abstinence, after a sin of impurity, you should go a week at least without eating meat and drinking strong drink. And if you have a habit of such sins, then do a month, three months, or an entire year, or several years.
Credits: The source of the Fasting image is not know. The Featured image is from the film, Last Days in the Desert, about Jesus’ fast in preparation for His public ministry.
Bing’s Open AI has a Secret Personality, “Syndey” which is hostile to human beings
Our Lady of Good Success — Detailed Explanation of Approved Apparitions
Editor’s Note: This is an amazing talk, by an excellent Catholic. I would say that it is a must watch for the whole family this week, as Lent begins.
However, note that the opening comment about etymology of the word “Success” is faulty. The actually sense is, “Our Lady of the Good outcome”.
It was after the middle of the 20th Century, that the US Government, controlled by the Masonic Sect, the Skull and Bones Lodge, declared its ideological war against Christianity. And I believe this is why Our Lady of Good Success indicated that moment in time.
Most important testimony here as regards current affairs: The Ukrainian Episcopal Conference explicitly said in March 2022, that the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was never done in the manner it was requested. — Saints Francisco and Jacinta pray for us! Breaking the Myth that only Traditionalists have vocations
Fulton Sheen on the power of the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus Christ
SPAIN: Govt. passes “law” to allow minors to be butchered by Trans Activists
Efficacy of the Prayer of the High Priest, Jesus Christ, Report: Week 3 of Pope Francis’ Pontificate
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The juridically valid election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to be Roman Pontiff, was held on Monday, January 30, 2023, at about 12:30 PM, 3 weeks ago.
The proof of its validity in the sight of God is that the one elected is now the beneficial receiver of Christ’s High Priestly Prayer for Peter: “I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail”, as evidenced by the PUBLIC FACT that Pope Francis has not uttered 1 blasphemy or heresy in the last 3 weeks.
This week, I want to point out that the habitual critics of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, have not stopped in their attacks. But what is most noticeable, is that when you read their headlines you find articles without facts to base their accusations on, unlike before January 30, 2023.
Our Lord said, if you have faith, you will be able to say to the mountain, move, and it will be moved. The Mountain is now in motion and those who want to see, can see it.
Would that Catholics have more trust in Jesus Christ. Perhaps many think He is a myth and that the claims of His power are just that, old superstitions. But He is the One Who has the words of eternal life. And when we risk ourselves in believing in His Words, only then do we hook our wagon to the train which is headed to Heaven.
As for objections: if you doubt that Christ’s prayer can convert a heretic, pagan or satanist, what are you really saying about Jesus Christ? Are you saying that Bergoglio’s conversion is impossible for God? — I invite all critics to think about that.
I will report on this on a weekly basis, to glorify the Lord Jesus and His wondrous care for His Flock through the grace of the petrine munus, so that those who believe might praise God, and those who disbelieve might be confounded in eternity.
Footnote: For those who in the days of the Antichrist are destined to live, remember this!
CREDITS: The featured image is taken from the Icon of Christ, the High Priest, available on line here.
6 “Lost Lectures” of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, published in New Book
News about Swiss criminal complaint for Scamdemic
USA: Los Angeles Bishop found shot to death
Nicolas Bux: A friend of mine says that the Lord now has to intervene
Summary and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Msgr. Bux is the theologian who by means of a humorous quip caused the question of the validity of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation to explode on social media in the fall of 2018. — He has ever held to the theory of the validity of the renunciation as effecting the loss of the papacy, because of his personal correspondence with the late Pope and his insistence that everything be interpreted by actions not etymologies or laws.
This represents the fundamental divide in the Church right now, and this is why Nicolas Bux still does not understand what is going on. — In this article, in which his interview by Edward Pentin (Socialist), expresses some dire warnings for the world, he proposes that the next pope will not easily solve the problems, because he presumes that the next pope must keep those who were promoted in their positions. So the end result of what he seems to be trying to say, is that the Ecclesiastical Mafia must be given compromises. — Christ Jesus is not in the picture at all, except through the quote, which he draws from a friend who is not even a practicing Catholic.
True Catholics know, however, that Christ has already intervened, and on what day that intervention took place.
The Horror which those without faith are contemplating:
In related news, Diana Montagna (who went so far as to publish absurdities to defend the dominant narrative about Pope Benedict XVI abdicating), is publishing her fears and terrors at the thought that the Ancient Liturgy is going to be suppressed. Catholic Faith-filled view:
With the High Priestly Prayer of Christ Jesus, however, now directed to Pope Francis, we shall instead see the most decisive intervention yet by Our Lord. For there are only a few possible outcomes, since Traditionis Custodes was not published by Pope Francis, but by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, he now will have to review it led by a higher grace. I review here briefly the possible outcomes, with that Grace at work:
- The Pope Francis does nothing, or effectively does nothing by asking for more consultation from the Cardinals or Bishops.
- That Pope Francis reaffirms Traditionis Custodis with an Apostolic Constitution, in such a way as to make it juridically invalid.
- That Pope Francis does not reaffirm Traditionis Custodis, but publishes a document which effectively nullifies it.
- Pope Francis approves a new measure which will utterly abolish the Old Rite, but in such a way, as is normal, so that it will take effect in 30-90 days after he signs it: during which time he will either change his mind, or be called on the carpet to appear before the Throne of the High Priest, Jesus Christ.
Those who do not believe that God exists, or that Jesus Christ is God, will scoff at my predictions. But it does not matter how many believe in Him. He is still God, Faithful Love to all His promises.
Opus Dei is in a death spiral, and no one is talking about it
Editor’s Note: Opus Dei controls a vast number of publications directly and even more indirectly. It is rumored that they have washed billions of funds for the CIA into propaganda outlets. But what is not of God, does not remain.