Fulton Sheen on the power of the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus Christ


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7 thoughts on “Fulton Sheen on the power of the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus Christ”

  1. Re the Assembly of 30/01/23 I think Fulton Sheen said that it is the laity that shall save the church. Food for thought.

    1. There is also a prophecy, that in the darkest hour of the Church, Sts. Peter and Paul would chose the Cardinal who was to be the Pope. — I have not mentioned this, because I do not want anyone to choke on their breakfast.

    2. Abp Sheen’s quote dates from 1972, here it is in full:-
      “Who is going to save our Church?
      Not our bishops, not our priests or religious.
      It is up to YOU, the people!
      You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears, to save the Church.
      Your Mission is to ensure that your priests act like priests,
      your bishops act like bishops,
      and your religious act like religious.”

      I used this quote multiple times on Facebook during & after the ‘plandemic’ lockdowns in 2020 when it had become tragically clear that all our so-called “shepherds” had abandoned their sheep completely……

      But I think that this quote can also be applied directly to the valid papal election on 30th January 2023!

      DEO gratias.

      1. Archbishop Fulton Sheen has already seen the effects of Vatican II and saw probably the spiritual states ( if not the bishops themselves manifest ) of the bishops.

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