Gänswein attempted to stop the immediate publication of his “tell-all” Book

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This news reveals that what is going on is either complex or the attempt at narrative control is multi layered. This report would have us accept as credible, that after signing a book deal with a major publisher run by the daughter of one of the leading political figures (allegedly corrupt and a freemason), that Pope Benedict XVI’s minder then attempted to block its publication immediately after the funeral of the late pope. Perhaps this is true, because he feared retribution from Bergoglio. Perhaps this is just another cover story to make the Archbishop look like he was truly respectful of Pope Benedict XVI.

But the contents of the book are damning as Cionci has shown in his recent review, where he expounds the attempts by the Archbishop to completely deny that Benedict XVI remained the pope, while avoiding the obvious insult implied upon the character of Benedict XVI, that he was either totally ignorant of what he did, or did not care for the salvation of souls or to do his duty.

Theses which are both incredible and incoherent with the statements of the late pontiff. Clearly then, it is the Archbishop who is trying to manipulate the historical record.

But it will remain a question for history, why the late Pope kept him so close. My only theory is, who is the best to guard a secret, but one who does not believe it ever existed or wants to deny it. For certainly someone allied with the St. Gallen Mafia would not engage him in a conversation to explain it.

Many wrote to the late Holy Father and never got responses, and now I think we all know why.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

8 thoughts on “Gänswein attempted to stop the immediate publication of his “tell-all” Book”

  1. I hope the book comes out anyway. I think in trying to stop publication, Ganswein was thinking of himself, not the damage it will do to Bergoglio. But I hope it comes out anyway, and casts Bergoglio in a very evil light, more than we even know. Anything that will make more enemies for Francis and his associates is a good thing.
    Sadly, if I were to guess whether Ganswein is a Ratzingerian or a Bergoglian, I would guess the later rather than the former….unfortunatly.

    1. It has come out. In fact, copies of it in electronic form are circulating to all journalists.

  2. Acest individ duplicitar a jucat rolul de TEMNICER si INFORMATOR pe langa Papa Benedict si familia acestuia, un INFAM ORDINAR, acum el s-a demascat !!! (cum spunea un “calsic roman” in viatainca el insusi mare revolutionar cu “pullover rosu”…
    un demon ordinar autodovedit si un mare las. O singura sansa e aceea de a spune adevarul total !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cristian Butaru Keller – teolog si ziarist crestin catolic

  3. Singula haec duplicia personas in carcere et indicem iuxta Papam Benedictum eiusque familiam, ORDINARIUS INFAM gerente, nunc detectus est! (sicut “ludio Romaniana” dicere solebat in vita sua antequam ipse magnus res novas cum “pullover rubra” dicere solebat.
    homo probatus Ordinarius daemon et ignavus magnus. Solus casus est totam veritatem dicere !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cristianus Butaru Keller – theologus catholicus et diurnarius

    Questo doppione ha svolto il ruolo di PRIGIONIERO e INFORMATORE accanto a Papa Benedetto e alla sua famiglia, UN ORDINARIO INFAM, ora è stato smascherato!!! (come diceva un “calciatore rumeno” nella sua vita prima di essere lui stesso un grande rivoluzionario con un “pullover rosso”…
    un demone ordinario autodimostrato e un grande codardo. L’unica possibilità è dire tutta la verità!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cristian Butaru Keller – Teologo e giornalista cristiano cattolico

    This duplicitous individual played the role of PRISONER and INFORMER next to Pope Benedict and his family, an ORDINARY INFAM, now he has been unmasked!!! (as a “Romanian football player” used to say in his life before he himself was a great revolutionary with a “red pullover”…
    a self-proven ordinary demon and a big coward. The only chance is to tell the total truth!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cristian Butaru Keller – Catholic Christian theologian and journalist

    Tento duplicitný jedinec hral po boku pápeža Benedikta a jeho rodiny rolu VÄZŇA a INFORMÁTORA, OBYČAJNÉHO INFAMA, teraz ho demaskovali!!! (ako v živote hovorieval „rumunský futbalista“ predtým, než bol sám veľkým revolucionárom s „červeným pulóvrom“…
    samozrejmý obyčajný démon a veľký zbabelec. Jediná šanca je povedať úplnú pravdu!!!!!!!!!!
    Cristian Butaru Keller – katolícky kresťanský teológ a novinár

    Cet individu fourbe a joué le rôle de PRISONNIER et INFORMATEUR aux côtés du Pape Benoît et de sa famille, un INFAM ORDINAIRE, maintenant il a été démasqué !!! (comme disait un “joueur de football roumain” dans sa vie avant d’être lui-même un grand révolutionnaire avec un “pull rouge”…
    un démon ordinaire qui a fait ses preuves et un grand lâche. La seule chance est de dire la vérité totale !!!!!!!!!!!
    Cristian Butaru Keller – théologien chrétien catholique et journaliste

    この二重人格者は、法王ベネディクトと彼の家族、通常のインファムの隣で捕虜と情報提供者の役割を果たしていましたが、今ではマスクを外されています!!! (「ルーマニアのサッカー選手」は、彼自身が「赤いプルオーバー」を着た偉大な革命家である前に、彼の人生でよく言っていました…
    クリスチャン・ブタル・ケラー – カトリックのキリスト教神学者およびジャーナリスト
    Kono nijūjinkaku-sha wa, hōō benedikuto to kare no kazoku, tsūjō no infamu no tonari de horyo to jōhō teikyō-sha no yakuwari o hatashite imashitaga, ima dewa masuku o hazusa rete imasu! ! ! (`Rūmania no sakkā senshu’ wa, kare jishin ga `akai puruōbā’ o kita idaina kakumeigodearu mae ni, kare no jinsei de yoku itte imashita… Jiko shōmei sa reta futsū no akuma to ōkina okubyōmono. Yuiitsu no chansu wa, kanzen’na shinjitsu o tsutaeru kotodesu!!!!!!!!!!!! Kurisuchan butaru kerā – Katorikku no kirisutokyō shingaku-shaoyobi jānarisuto

    Ten dwulicowy osobnik grał rolę WIĘŹNIA i INFORMATORA obok papieża Benedykta i jego rodziny, ZWYKŁY INFAM, teraz został zdemaskowany!!! (jak mawiał za życia „rumuński piłkarz”, zanim sam został wielkim rewolucjonistą w „czerwonym swetrze”…
    samozwańczy zwykły demon i wielki tchórz. Jedyną szansą jest mówienie całej prawdy!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cristian Butaru Keller – katolicki teolog chrześcijański i dziennikarz

    Этот двуличный человек играл роль ЗАКЛЮЧЕННОГО и ИНФОРМАТОРА рядом с Папой Бенедиктом и его семьей, ОБЫЧНЫЙ ИНФАМ, теперь он разоблачен!!! (как говаривал в жизни один “румынский футболист”, прежде чем он сам был великим революционером в “красном пуловере”…
    зарекомендовавший себя обычный демон и большой трус. Единственный шанс – сказать всю правду!!!!!!!!!!!
    Кристиан Бутару Келлер – католический христианский теолог и журналист
    Etot dvulichnyy chelovek igral rol’ ZAKLYUCHENNOGO i INFORMATORA ryadom s Papoy Benediktom i yego sem’yey, OBYCHNYY INFAM, teper’ on razoblachen!!! (kak govarival v zhizni odin “rumynskiy futbolist”, prezhde chem on sam byl velikim revolyutsionerom v “krasnom pulovere”…
    zarekomendovavshiy sebya obychnyy demon i bol’shoy trus. Yedinstvennyy shans – skazat’ vsyu pravdu!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kristian Butaru Keller – katolicheskiy khristianskiy teolog i zhurnalist

    In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti amen


    RORATE R. Coboare roua din senin, din cer coboare Domnul sfânt!
    1) Îmblânzește-te, Dumnezeule, și nu-ți mai amintim de fărădelegile noastre! Iată, cetatea sfântă e pustie, jafului Sionul a fost dat. Trist este Ierusalimul, casa sfinţilor tăi şi slavei tale, unde te-au proslăvit pe tine părinţii noştri.
    2) Greşit-am cu toţii şi sufletul ni l-am pângărit, şi am căzut ca frunza copacilor; fărădelegile noastre ca vântul ne-au spulberat; iar tu ţi-ai ascuns faţa dinaintea noastră şi ne-ai lăsat pradă răutăţii noastre.
    3) Gândeşte-te, Doamne, la mâhnirea poporului tău şi dă-ni-l pe Cel Făgăduit! Dă-ni-l pe Mielul stăpânitor al pământului, îndreaptă-l spre lăcașul noroadelor tale, ca să ridice lanțurile robiei noastre!
    4) Fii mângâiat, fii mângâiat, poporul meu, căci e aproape mântuirea ta! Pentru ce durerea te-a doborât și tristețea a pătruns inima ta? Eu te voi mântui, fii fără teamă, căci eu sunt Domnul Dumnezeul tău, Sfântul lui Israel, Mântuitorul tău.

    RORATE R. The dew descends from the sky, the holy Lord descends from the sky! 1) Be gentle, O God, and let us remember our iniquities no more! Behold, the holy city is desolate, Zion has been given to plunder. Sad is Jerusalem, the house of your saints and your glory, where our fathers glorified you. 2) We have all sinned and defiled our souls, and we have fallen like the leaves of the trees; our iniquities like the wind have scattered us; and you have hidden your face from us and given us over to our wickedness. 3) Think, Lord, of the sorrow of your people and give us the Promised One! Give us the Lamb that rules the earth, direct him to the abode of your people, that he may lift the chains of our slavery! 4) Be comforted, be comforted, my people, for your salvation is near! Why has pain brought you down and sadness entered your heart? I will save you, do not be afraid, for I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

  4. And here we have even more evidence that Abp Ganswein was attempting, in public, to appear loyal to both Pope Benedict XVI and antipope Bergoglio.
    But it seems, increasingly, that the apparent ‘loyalty’ to the real Pope was a fake.
    And, frankly, the latest images of Abp Ganswein’s face are those of a man “who has something to hide”…….as opposed to the oft-quoted “Gorgeous George” of just a few years ago!

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