This is THE CATHOLIC EVENT of the year: the International gathering of the Clergy, Religious and Laity of the Roman Catholic Church in communion with the True Pope! — December 11, 2022, at 2 P. M., at the Mariot Park Hotel, Rome, Italy.
The Faithful having broke free from the dominant globalist narrative which has concealed the coup d’etat which took place in the Vatican in Feb/March 2013, come together in this public rally to proclaim to the whole world the truth of who is the Vicar of Christ on Earth and how important it is to the entire Catholic Church to return to communion with him.
This event has been organized by the Priestly Sodality of Our Lady of the Little Remnant, under the leadership of Don Alessandro Minutella of Palermo, Italy.
Br. Bugnolo will cover this event for FromRome.Info in English, and will include interviews with important leading figures of the true Catholic Counter-Globalist Revolution which has been growing in strength year by year.
Italian Catholics were the first to recognize that Pope Benedict XVI had not abdicated, and now after nearly ten years, the truth has gone main stream and the faithful are flocking back to the Holy Father with every increasing numbers. This rally will include more than 2000 Catholics: Priests, Religious and Laity from more than 7 countries and two continents.
Registration for this event is required. If you would like to register, contact FromRome.Info via a comment below: you must give your full legal name as it appears on your passport or govt. issued ID card, which will be required to enter the event.
For live coverage in Italian, see the Radio Domina Nostra channel on Youtube.
Here in England I shalll watch, toast B16 with a G&T, and wear the knitted polyester football scarf in papal colours (Unofficial £10 souvenir of his visit, bought from a street vendor in Birmingham outside the stadium where he beatified Cardinal John Henry Newman) commemorating Pope Benedict’s visit to the UK in 2010.
It has his portrait, wearing a black cassock (?!) at each end; in the middle it says in purple-on-gold-background, “His Holiness / Pope Benedict XVI / UK Tour 2010” .
I wear this flamboyant, if not garish, sartorial statement every time I want to annoy some Bergolian priest whom I have asked to read the applicable Canon Law, but I know hasn’t. (Psychological + spiritual warfare 🙂
That’s they way!
I remain very curious to see if any valid Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests will show up from around the world. This will tell a lot about who in the clergy say that Bergoglio is not the pope, and that Benedict is the pope!
Everybody who has a camera who intends to go, photograph any “priests” in the crowd who might be bishops in mufti.
Also anybody wearing a mask, which means they are less fearful of germs than being recognised.
(Be sure the other side will be doing the same thing.)
Everybody, send invitations to the major Catholic media figureheads to cover the event: EWTN, Lifesite news, Taylor Marshal, Church Militant, Catholic Herald, The Wayfarer, The Remnant, etc. See who answers, and who ignores.
I will not be fotographing the faces, because I respect person’s right to digital privacy.
Beginning 2 PM Rome Time ???
The time I begin coverage will be more like 2:30 pm or after…
DEO gratias.
This news of ‘live’ coverage is truly excellent.
Like R. Wenner [above] I, too, shall be watching from England on the afternoon of ‘Gaudete’ Sunday.
‘GAUDETE in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete…….’
“REJOICE in the Lord always: again I say, rejoice. Let your modesty be known to all men: for the Lord is nigh. Be nothing solicitous: but in every thing by prayer let your petitions be made known to GOD.”
[Introit; Philippians 4: 4-6]
May Almighty GOD bless & protect our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.
Let us pray fervently and hope that he outlives the heretical masonic/globalist antipope Ber-GOG-lio…….
In which instance the response of the Church’s hierarchy will reveal much to us!
Pax vobiscum.
I was’nt able to view the rally ‘live’ due to local Church commitments but have greatly enjoyed watching a recording.
DEO gratias for such an inspiring and very well-attended event!
THANKYOU to the eight priests ‘on stage’ + Brother Alexis + everyone involved in the setting-up of this unique & hugely important rally.
What a real joy on ‘Gaudete’ Sunday to witness each priests’ testimonies, then the moving & profound film, then Holy Mass.
And how wonderful that, seemingly, the whole congregation joined in with the servers’ responses! Is that the usual practice in Italy? [here in England we are much more reserved in our responses at the TLM…….!!]
And how truly glorious that, with complete certainty, this Holy Mass is/was offered in communion with Pope Benedict XVI.
Am still watching as I type this, so maybe further comments to follow……..
Pax vobiscum
Thank you Brother.
See you down there in Rome, Deo adjuvante.
I’m so glad! I had sent an email to Radio Domina to make sure there was LIVE COVERAGE for this meaningful event. It’s about time the ‘soldiers of the Truth’ come out in vast legions, all over. This by Don Minutella and Priestly Co. will be an immense sign of where True Catholics stand!! We cannot let the globalists have their way, by means of the CEO in the Vatican, who obeys and shares their ideas. Long Live the Catholic Church; may Benedict XVI be released to reveal what is still …hidden.
What delightful comments!
I, too, will be tuning in from the US!
I’ve been off line and only now see the blessed news!
I will be online with my old computer watching (if possible) and praying for protection for all you who will attend in person.
I am so grateful for your efforts, Br Bugnolo, as well as the others in the Priestly Sodality of Our Lady of the Little Remnant.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
It was an exciting gathering! The ‘seed’ has been sown in fertile ground.
Brilliant Thank you Joy is exactly how I felt when I discovered Pope Benedict XVI is the Pope just before the lockdown .. I never expected the hostility and attacks that came too !! This video is wonderful
Br. Alexis,
Thank you for your coverage in English. I watched it all.
I was’nt able to view the rally ‘live’ due to local Church commitments but have greatly enjoyed watching a recording.
DEO gratias for such an inspiring and very well-attended event!
THANKYOU to the eight priests ‘on stage’ + Brother Alexis + everyone involved in the setting-up of this unique & hugely important rally.
What a real joy on ‘Gaudete’ Sunday to witness each priests’ testimonies, then the moving & profound film, then Holy Mass.
And how wonderful that, seemingly, the whole congregation joined in with the servers’ responses! Is that the usual practice in Italy? [here in England we are much more reserved in our responses at the TLM…….!!]
And how truly glorious that, with complete certainty, this Holy Mass is/was offered in communion with Pope Benedict XVI.
Am still watching as I type this, so maybe further comments to follow……..
Pax vobiscum
Just two critiques:-
1] Rose vestments would have been preferable to Violet on this particular Sunday.
2] As a liturgical organist I found both the tone of the digital organ in the hall and the manner of its playing, very disappointing and. frankly, unworthy of the otherwise magnificent occasion.
Dominus vobiscum.
If you want to donate Rose colored vestments to Don Enrico Bernasconi, let me know, and I will give you an address to which you can mail them. His only reason for not using them, was that he does not own any.
The Hall was not a Church and had lousy accoustics. Architecturally it reminded me of a Basket Ball Hall in a Highschool, only larger. It was about 400 feet by 400 foot cube and my camera was way to close to the speakers. As for the choir, they do not have a choir director, which is a very rare commodity in Italy, due to the near absence of the monastic life in Italian culture. If we had the use of a Church, the accoustics would have been wonderful. As for organs, they are rare in Italy, because the organ was the preferred musical instrument of the Romans to be played during public executions like when they threw Catholics to the lions, and for long centuries it was forbidden as a liturigcal instrument. Only the Cathedrals have them, and even there they are rarely used. I think only the Basilica of St. Peter at Rome has one.
Thanks Br. Alexis for those details.
1] Rose vestments – yes, I did wonder whether Don Bernasconi possessed them – here in the Diocese of Brentwood, England, the diocesan priest that travels halfway across the diocese to offer a 2nd Sunday monthly Low Mass [and 1st Fridays…] in a local chapel, he had to borrow a 5-piece set from elsewhere within the diocese.
2] I acknowledge that unflattering description of the Hall and appreciate that history of pipe organs in Italy, which I was unaware of. A sad contrast to France, Germany, Holland…….and even my home country of England [!] where “The King of Instruments” has a long and reputable [and occasionally chequered…] history!
The sound produced by the electronic organ in the Hall reminded me of some woeful analogue ‘dinosaurs’ which I have had the misfortune to encounter in some English Catholic parishes!!
Sacred Music at Holy Mass in most parishes here [and some/many cathedrals…] is completely misunderstood and thus all manner of musical-liturgical abuses can be heard & seen on Sundays.
It seems certain that the ‘liturgical revolutionaries’ of the 1950s/60s headed by notorious freemason Annibale Bugnini, and allowed to wreak their liturgical havoc by Pius XII/John XXIII/Paul VI had precisely this “goal” in mind, in other words, to create a protestant-style communion-meal with worship-songs to replace the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass embellished with timeless Gregorian Chant, sacred organ music & polyphony.
There was too much joy at being together in such large numbers for the first time since Feb. 2013, united to the true Pope, that no one even noticed the bad music.
Fair comment!
‘GAUDETE in Domino semper iterum dico, gaudete…’
“REJOICE in the Lord always: again I say, rejoice…”
That “joy” on ‘Gaudete’ Sunday came across vividly throughout the entirety of the event’s video!
Let us pray, hope, and trust that the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth, will ensure that this historical event becomes known throughout the whole Church, quickly.
And each of us has a responsibility to ‘spread the good news’…….
THANKYOU again, Brother Alexis, for your continued tireless work in this respect.
Brother, what version of the Spiritual Communion prayer were you saying? It was really beautiful.
I just said what came to mind.