Editor’s Note: If there was any event which demonstrates that the Scamdemic was a political operation, it’s this: that the US Senate voted to end the Scam after mid-term elections. Among the 13 Senators who voted with Republicans on this issue, Christians in American need to find 3-5 to vote against the Homo Fascist Act (The Defense of Marriage Act), which will make Christianity illegal in the USA. It’s time to pick up the phone and go on the warpath. Don’t be passive, or it might mean your imprisonment.
Monthly Archives: November 2022
BRASIL: Bolsonaro’s Party asks that the Election be annulled as unverifiable
Editor’s Note: The censorship of the news out of Brazil is massive. It is only being reported by journals outside of Europe and North America. I have confirmed this news from two sources:
Only here in Italy, where the government of Giorgia Meloni favors Bolsonaro, does the State controlled TV report about this:
Pope Benedict XVI going strong….
Editor’s Note: Photo of Archbishop Schick of Bamberg, Germany, visiting the Holy Father, Benedict XVI.
As a side, note, I am glad, that after my public criticism of the lack of care for the Holy Father’s hair, that someone has heard me out.
USA: Senate considers Bill which would outlaw Christianity in the USA
Things are dire:
https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1592988725645934593CATHOLICS! — Contact your Senators and urge a NO vote on this bill! — Target especially Democrats and those who voted to end the filibuster. — If anyone knows of a list of Christian Senators, who are not Catholics, please share a link in the comments below!
OMC Radio TV: Russian Missile Attack on Poland, kills 2 — Facts, Events, Implications
RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Internal Dissent spills over on live TV
Let us pray for Maxim Yusin, that he does not get suicided in the next year.
CHINA: Anti-lockdown riots break out in Guangzhou
Radio Rosa Mistica Colombia interviews Don Alessandro Minutella (Spanish)
This interview is more like an interrogation or a judicial deposition, as the questions seem to have been taken from sources which are opposed to Don Minutella.
More than 90% of Catholics hold that Bergoglio will die a heretic
This puts the Catholic Hierarchy in communion with him, 90% out of touch with the sensus fidelium. — To die in positive deliberate error is the genus of heresy and merits damnation likewise.
Br. Bugnolo’s Lecture on What is true and false Belief
Tonight at 9 PM Rome time, Cionci is interviewed by Michelaneglo Cicognani
DeathVaxxes expected to cause horrible Hormonal Dysfunctions, says expert
Bergoglio concedes that Benedict is still the Pope
We republish the words of Bergoglio, without comment, as their meaning is obvious:
https://twitter.com/EWTNews/status/1088785932306837504UPDATE: Nov. 15, 2022 A. D..
Editor’s Note: Notice that Bergoglio begins by saying, “El Papa Benedicto…”, “El” in Spanish is the singular definite article, which means, “the only one”, or “the real one” etc.. This statement by Bergoglio was reflected in letters from the Secretary of State (Secretariate of State) in 2021, which called Pope Benedict XVI, the Supreme Pontiff, and in 2022, with the publication of the Annuario Pontificio, in which Bergoglio was identified by no claim to any title, such as Roman Pontiff or Vicar of Christ, or Successor of St. Peter.
But why would Bergoglio hold the reigns of power and yet say in public that another is the true pope? This has to do with the method of operation of the Illuminati, who reveal their plans to their victims or take off their masks during their rituals. It is to boast and test their power. To say that Benedict XVI is the pope is their way of saying, “We have such confidence that our system of psychological and political control over you is so firm, that we could say even the truth, and you would still obey and submit to us, in the name of that truth, even though by doing so you are in fact denying that truth!”
This is the spiritual sadism in which the fallen are perfect adepts.
CANADA will now “help” mentally ill die…
BRASIL: Citizens pour into streets demanding Military to save Nation from Marxist election fraud
Klaus Schwab explains the snare he is unfolding for all humanity’s enslavement
click this tweet to see a thread containing all the important excerpts of his talk.
FTX and Ukraine: The Story, its Genesis, and the Men behind it
U.S. General says Ukraine will win the war against the Russian Federation
Associate Editor of The Spectator opts to insult Vatican official rather than do journalism
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
This one is for the history books.
Andrea Cionci recently republished a copy of a letter from last year, in which an Assessor at the Vatican Secretary of State, referred to the Holy Father correctly, as the Supreme Pontiff. A documentary fact which counters the narrative that the Vatican recognizes Bergoglio as such. Here is the letter…
https://twitter.com/B16Restore/status/1592398638298210304And this is how Damien Thompson, editor of the Spectator responded:
As Editor of FromRome.Info, I have not the ability to call the Secretary of State and get an answer. But an associate Editor of The Spectator does. And a little journalism here might reveal a big story, like, whether there is an internal schism in the Vatican, the existence of factions which regard one man rather than the other as the true pope, etc..
If you have twitter or email or a phone and can contact Damien Thompson, I strongly suggest you do so. This way of reacting to the news is outrageous politically-correct-think.
Auturo Periodista misrepresents Br. Bugnolo’s position on Masses una cum
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
A good friend just brought to my attention, that this image is being distributed on social media:
As regards the quote attributed to me, I have no knowledge I have ever written such words, so I cannot say if they selectively quote something I wrote in an article, comment or private email. But what I have said is clearly expounded here, in the article in which I REFUTED AUTURO PERIODISTA for his position. Thus to distribute such a meme is in my opinion dishonest:
But since so many Catholics, of good will, do not understand this obligation [to never attend a mass in communion with an antipope, schismatic or heretic], it can be that some attend such masses without mortal sin. Though many Catholics who are lax are already in mortal sin since they do not live according to the moral law, do not remain faithful to the teachings of Christ, or violate the laws of the Church on marriage.
But NOT to sin mortally, you would truly have to be ignorant of the canonical truth that Bergoglio is not the pope, and also ignorant of the theological truth that Bergoglio teaches heresy, and factually ignorant that Bergoglio has not committed schism by handing the Church in China over to Her persecutors, since it is contrary to right morals to claim to be in communion with either an antipope, heretic or schismatic.
From my discussion in said article, it is clear that I am speaking about the imputability of mortal sin for someone involved in a public act which is objectively gravely immoral. To understand this better, consider the objective act of visiting a house of prostitution. The act is objectively immoral. However, there are moral dispositions which could exculpate a person for being present: such as, a police officer who is obliged to interview a witness to a crime and who works there, or a worker of the Gas Dept. who must check on a reported gas-leak., or a totally naive person, who thinks that is some sort of massage parlor.
So I ask all my readers, that if anywhere they see such a quote attributed to me, to cite this article.