Editor’s Note: Steve Bannon, who was pardoned by President Donald Trump (Skull and Bones) for embezzling funds to build a wall to protect the US Southern Boarder from illegal Catholic/Christian immigrants, successfully defended his consortium against fraud charges in Administrative Court, in Lazio, Italy, this week.
Bannon’s consortium, without the proper participation of experts in restoration and conservation, and without paying any notable fees, obtained a 99 year lease on the Monastery in a public bidding process, which required at least a 10 or 30 Million investment. No monies have yet been invested, to my knowledge.
I do know this, that in Italy, if a monk attempted this he would be thrown out the door for attempting to “appropriate a cultural site for personal use”.
Bannon’s successful defense means that this ancient Catholic Monastery has now fallen into the hands of the Satanic Mass-Murdering Lodge from Yale. It will be dedicated to “defending the Judeo-Christian Civilization of Europe”.
Yeeeeeaaaaah! For shuuur…!
I will wager that it will be used to train political operatives of Skull and Bones to neutralize any restoration of Christendom and guarantee that the continent converts to Satanism and the religion of the Anti-Christ. This is highly likely, because Trump cannot even stand Catholics, as his recent insult of the GOP Governor of Florida shows.
The title of this article at Church Militant is, therefore, perhaps truer than it appears, since gladiators were pagan mercenaries hired to entertain the masses, so that the masses could be kept under control, by godless emperors.
Bro. Bugnolo, you’re right on the money!
Bannon’s successful defense means that this ancient Catholic Monastery has now fallen into the hands of the Satanic Mass-Murdering Lodge from Yale. It will be dedicated to “defending the Judeo-Christian Civilization of Europe”.
Satan Lucifer the Devil’s henchmen are either busy burning down Catholic churches or destroying Catholic statues, or they are busy usurping Catholic properties such as in the sly “legal” way Bannon has done it.
Bannon is part of the MSM massive mind-control and deception of Catholics in Europe and America which include Michael Matt of The Remnant and John-Henry Westen of LifeSite News, and now with the addition of famous superficial converts who are professional actors in youTube like Cameron Bertuzzi in the USA and Gad Elmelah in France who will deceive obtuse Catholics into eventually abandoning the Catholic Faith and joining the One World Religion of false-Pope Francis for the New World Order.
Gad Elmaleh, is suddenly an expert on the Catholic Faith in France and has hijacked Lourdes. https://www.fromrome.info/2022/11/11/france-gad-elmaleh-converts-to-the-catholic-faith-with-help-of-the-holy-virgin/
The CIC conference of Michael Matt of The Remnant is controlled-opposition! And so is John-Henry Westen of LifeSite News, a controlled-opposition. https://novusordowatch.org/2022/10/mistaken-identity-conference-against-pope/#comment-6019170298
Steve Bannon will train thousands of anti-Catholics under the guise of Judeo-Christians in this monastery to take over the Vatican, Rome, Italy and Europe, the USA and all Catholic countries.
“Judeo-Christian” has always been the biggest LIE destroying Christianity since time immemorial. It is a catchphrase that blindfolds Catholics instantly and it makes them easy preys and slaves of the Globalists.
Jesus was not jew https://rense.com/general96/jesusnotjew.html
The Judeo-Christian Myth
—– https://www.cbcg.org/booklets/judaism-revelation-of-moses-or-religion-of-men/appendix-six-the-judeo-christian-myth.html
—– https://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_oxymoron.html
—– https://us9.campaign-archive.com/?u=4ae70e88ad3929e6ce7a33bdf&id=f7f834e3fd
—– https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Links/NewsLinks.aspx?Category=Zionism
The Plot Against the Church http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (Free eBook)
http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/ (FREE eBook)
Whoever controls MSM controls the world! http://themillenniumreport.com/2014/10/who-really-controls-the-mainstream-media/
Who owns the media https://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=2231
https://ia802601.us.archive.org/32/items/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle.pdf (FREE eBook)
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
This article is unfounded, unsubstantiated, and entirely untrue.
Steve Bannon is from an Irish-Catholic family that still adheres to the old Latin Mass.
Donald Trump did not attend Yale, nor is he part of Skull and Bones. He and his grown children all have Business degrees from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Finance, rated #1 in the US in Finance. Donald graduated first in his class from the Wharton School of Finance of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968,
Steve Bannon has never been part of the mainstream media. He cofounded Breitbart News with Andrew Breitbart, and was its Executive Editor for years. Bannon has a Masters in Business from Harvard.
Why do you print this untrue malarky?
Because it is the truth. Trump’s family became rich by serving Averell Harriman (Skull and Bones) and he is so loyal to that Lodge, that he gave their official historian a free apartment studio in Trump Tower for 10 years as he wrote the history of Skull and Bones. You like many others have been played a long game of deception. As for Bannon, a mason will never pardon a Catholic for a crime, unless he is a higher or fellow mason. Here at FromRome I publish the hard truth. For more info on Trump and Skull and Bones see ordo-militaris.net . As for the TLM, many groups promoting it are part of the Gladio network, so in of itself it is no guarantee of honesty. Just look at all the pedos and pedo protectors in that movement.
I wonder why you had to add the phrase “Catholic/Christian..” to your introductory comment:
“ Steve Bannon, who was pardoned by President Donald Trump (Skull and Bones) for embezzling funds to build a wall to protect the US Southern Boarder from illegal Catholic/Christian immigrants, successfully defended his……
Sufficed to say “……from illegal immigrants, successfully………”
The US Southern border border needs to be controlled. The illegals coming thru the border at the invitation of the Democrat regime is composed of people with different religious convictions as well as those with no morality, or non Christian backgrounds. True, most come from Catholic / Christian countries, but by acting illegally, I wonder if they are practicing and honest believers.
If the purpose of adding the two words was to prove that Bannon is a Freemason and a Skull and Bones operative, you are detracting from the truthfulness of your statement. Just because you and I feel negatively about Bannon’s modus of operation, the need to protect our US Southern border is essential for our country’s survival as a nation regardless of who the illegals are.
Your use of the two words gives me the impression that if the illegals are Catholic and or Christian it is ok for them to invade our country with no impunity and it is OK as far as you are concerned. I hope that was not your intention and you will clarify, at least for me, why those two words are required in that statement. Thank you.
I added this, because they would not be illegal if they were not Christian. You see, the GOP and Dems have placed such small legal limits on the number of immigrants from Latin America, that many are tempted to enter illegally. Increase those quotas, and then you would have a wave of Catholic and Christian immigration which would be legal, honest, and aid the USA, WITHOUT the crimals and traffickers. But the masonic parties do not want that, because they want Catholics and Christians as slave labor and need the illegal status to keep their wages low.
Sorry, but I disagree with your logic. Illegal is illegal. The only thing I could agree is that the immigration policy of the US is broken. We have laws in the books that need to be enforced but the administration refuses to enforce them. If your logic was correct, why is the border practically open to anyone that can place their foot into the territory of the US and allowed to continue and not turned back. I know this topic cannot be solved in this forum, so I leave it at that.
They are illegal. But if there were higher quotas, more would enter legally. If they enter legally they will not be as easily able to be exploited in the work place. Thus the masons want illegal immigration, not legal. And they do this only to Catholics and Christians from Latin America. They never did this to Irish, French, or Italians from Europe. There were no quotas back then.
I think you are right. Very disturbing.
Response to “Steve Bannon is from an Irish-Catholic family that still adheres to the old Latin Mass.”
Being “Irish” and from a “Catholic family” are no longer credentials of being an authentic Catholic today. In the 20th Century, the Catholic Church was massively infiltrated by false converts and thousands of imposter priests who changed the doctrines of the Church at the Vatican II Council and they abused hundreds of thousands of little altar boys and students so that the Church could be sued into bankruptcy and as had happened the American Catholic Church has paid more than 5 Billion dollars to so-called victims of pedophile priests.
Read The Memoirs of An Anti-Apostle of how a KGB became a Catholic imposter priest and how he helped destroy the liturgy and many Catholic traditions in order to destroy the Catholic Church.
https://ia802601.us.archive.org/32/items/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle.pdf (FREE eBook)
These books also show the thousands of imposters who were Catholic converts and imposter priests and how they helped in the lingering destruction of the Church.
The Plot Against the Church http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (Free eBook)
The Plot Against Christianity http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/ (FREE eBook)
Attending the Traditional Latin Mass is also not a credential of being an authentic Catholic today. It can be used as a ruse to deceive gullible Catholics like Michael Matt of The Remnant does it.
Read more in The CIC conference of Michael Matt of The Remnant is controlled-opposition! And so is John-Henry Westen of LifeSite News, a controlled-opposition. https://novusordowatch.org/2022/10/mistaken-identity-conference-against-pope/#comment-6019170298
St. Maximilian Kolbe
—– https://henrymakow.com/2022/10/Modern-World-is-a-Product-of-Freemasonry%20.html
—– https://www.henrymakow.com/cgi-bin/mt-5/mt-search.cgi?search=one+world+religion&IncludeBlogs=1&limit
Response to: Donald Trump graduated first in his class from the Wharton School of Finance of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968,
Trump Dossier
—- https://fitzinfo.net/2018/01/06/trump-dossier-2018/
Donald Trump is a Mason
—- https://henrymakow.com/2022/10/trump-masonic-jewish-tag-team.html
Trump series
— https://fitzinfo.net/2016/10/29/trump-controlled-by-mossad/
Donald Trump archive
— https://www.henrymakow.com/cgi-bin/mt-5/mt-search.cgi?search=Donald+Trump&IncludeBlogs=1&limit=20
Response to: “Steve Bannon has never been part of the mainstream media. He cofounded Breitbart News with Andrew Breitbart, and was its Executive Editor for years. Bannon has a Masters in Business from Harvard.
Why do you print this untrue malarky?”
History of Breithart News
Breitbart News Network: Born In The USA, Conceived In Israel
Harvard is the hotbed of the paganism of Darwinism
SLS12: Understanding Darwinism – Harvard
— https://scholar.harvard.edu/eadaoin/classes/sls12-understanding-darwinism
Whoever controls MSM controls the world! http://themillenniumreport.com/2014/10/who-really-controls-the-mainstream-media/
Who owns the media https://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=2231
Breitbart was a Catholic, and died under mysterious circumstances, after he said he was about to unmask the pedophile masonic elites….
Response to: Steve Bannon has a Masters in Business from Harvard.
Being a graduate of Harvard is not an automatic qualification of being an authentic Catholic.
Harvard is not a Christian school but a pagan school that requires the pagan course on Darwinism.
Understanding Darwinism (Gen Ed 1004)
Steve Bannon may be smart in business but that does not make him an authentic Catholic.
Being smart and being Christian are two different things.
Read, The CIC conference of Michael Matt of The Remnant is controlled-opposition! And so is John-Henry Westen of LifeSite News, a controlled-opposition. https://novusordowatch.org/2022/10/mistaken-identity-conference-against-pope/#comment-6019170298
Gad Elmaleh, is suddenly an expert on the Catholic Faith in France and has hijacked Lourdes. https://www.fromrome.info/2022/11/11/france-gad-elmaleh-converts-to-the-catholic-faith-with-help-of-the-holy-virgin/
Br. Bugnolo,
You have so much interesting information on your site! My curiosity was piqued by something I saw on the first comment by “M” — “Jesus was not a Jew”. I read that article and was astounded to find myself agreeing with the premise that Jesus was an Israelite, not a Jew. There were plenty of scripture references to back that up, and I was amazed that I, along with most everyone else that I know, read right through them repeatedly without realizing the significance, that most of the present day Jews are not descended from “God’s chosen people”. Fascinating stuff! I’m going to print that out and take it to church with me.
I was going to ask you about the possibility of all denominations of Christians working together against the antichrist when he appears, but I’ll save that question for another time.
My mom says to say Howdy. She follows your articles and videos because she says you tell about things the mainstream media outlets neglect to cover.
Howdy, back to your mom!
Must read: Was Jesus a Jew?
The Roman Catholic Church is the only one true church that was established by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ upon St. Peter the Rock.
Catholics must NEVER agree to the concept of “Judeo-Christian” which is the biggest LIE in Christianity and it seeks only to destroy the Catholic Church and prepare for the Antichrist.
I totally agree. You cannot speak of civilization while attributing it to a dual cause, one of which denies the other’s legitimacy to exist, namely, the Jewish of the Christian. The whole propaganda effort since WW2 has to been to make Christians think that they have been persecuting Jews for 2000 years because we are some sort of illegitimate superstition. Where the reality is the exact opposite. In fact, in all Catholic countries where usury by the Jews was forbidden, there were never any persecution of the Jews. But the Rothschilds and those who really believe in the Talmud, are actually working toward and for the genocide of every Christian on earth, because they see us as opponents to their world domination messianism and idolaters who should be killed. While this is not all Jews, it would be insane and unrealistic to imagine that there are no Jews who think this way.
FromRome.info is in The Unz. !!!
See Comment #98
The author of that post is so tangled up in Masonic false narratives that it is pitiful to read. Wonder what will happen when he finds out one day that Hilter was jewish, funded by the Masonic Lodges of London and New York City, and that the Kaiser was a freemason.
Watch Steve Bannon tells his allegiance to…(guess to whom?) NO, it’s NOT to Christ! https://www.bitchute.com/video/s5Jea72uP24i/
and see his portrait with his real master https://henrymakow.com/2023/02/feb-27—canada-murders-96-chi.html