Editor’s Note: This speaker believes SarsCov2 exists and can harm you, though there is absolutely no evidence that it exists or that viruses cause illness. But this presentation by Dr. Cole, who is a pathologist, contains an extensive list of ill effects of the DeathVaxxes. — However, from what he says, it appears, that there may be scientific proof that spike proteins are being found in persons not vaxxed, and therefore, that it is being delivered to populations by some other method than the DeathVaxxes. While one cannot exclude other vaccines, such as the flu shots used in Bergamo in the fall of 2019, this remains an area that needs to be investigated.
Perhaps, for example, the spike proteins are being produced in industrial facilities, controlled by Globalist corporations, in an organic system subject to mutations and thus producing variants of the spike protein… which are then distributed via a variety of methods to create a “need” for the Vaxxes.
Why does P Coffin not mention you as one of the earliest and consitant of religious persons preaching this position?
I am the chief enemy of those tied into the systems of control. Patrick got his start/boost on EWTN side by side with persons with ties to Washington DC and the Vatican. — You see, to these folks, I am anathema, because I am not a layman like them, rather, I have given up all my possessions, career and family, to serve Christ under vows, but unlike Vatican approved religious, my superior is only Pope Benedict XVI and I have no human respect for those who are liars. So they see me as a renegade, uncontrolled disrupter. I challenge the consciences of them all, not because I attempt to, but because I love Jesus Christ and do not want to waste my life in the kind of compromises they have wed.
Look into cDNA infectious clones
That is the incapacitating agent being released