6 thoughts on “Dear Citizens of the USA: Did you just vote for Satan?”

  1. I appreciate your bluntness on what it means to truly live like a Catholic.

    For most of us alive today we have been brainwashed into believing…and living…as though our lives as Christians are separate from our careers, politics, entertainment etc.

    We attend mass on Sundays and the rest of the time are of the world.

    We must understand that demonstrating and adhering to Catholicism is a LIFESTYLE not a hobby.

  2. We didn’t vote for anything. We have fraudulent dominion machines and ballots stuffers. The cheaters “voted”

  3. I don’t vote anymore, either, because I will not vote for a freemason. They are all in satan’s pocket whether they realize it or not.

    I would gladly vote for a Christian, Catholic or otherwise. I just wish I could distinguish true Christians from those who claim to be Christians.

    A cursory look at the Catholic Church of today tells me that the tares are at least equal to the wheat now. (And other churches as well.) I don’t think I could be sure that any candidate, running with whatever party, was a true Christian.

  4. Br. Bugnolo,

    It seems to me that you have taken on yet another task of monumental proportions, if not a complete impossibility.

    So I have made a commitment to God that I will pray every day for your protection, both physically and spiritually, and that you will know and accomplish whatever task(s) He has set for you to do in this life.

    May God richly bless you, and never let you go out of the palm of His hand.

    1. Some sow, others harvest. On this one, I do not expect ever to see the harvest. But for Benedict XVI I strive to see it with each passing day…

      1. I have thought the same as Deborah
        And in your answer you make a very good point.

        People today are all about the harvest. And thus why very few are willing to take risks or put themselves out there. I do realize that what you’re doing is sowing. And God bless you for it.

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