Il Comitato per la Liberazione di Papa Benedetto XVI

Questa sera è stato appena messa in trasmissione su Radio Roma (Rumble, Website), l’intervistsa di Frà Bugnolo spiegando il nostro comitato. Per contattarci, si puo lasciare un commento (non sarà pubblicato) qui sotto.

Questa intervista sarà in onda di nuovo al mezzogiorno, domani il 29/10, a Roma, su canale 14 in Lazio, e visibile in tutta l’Italia, alle 12,00 e 17,00.

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Br. Bugnolo was interviewed in Italian by Matteo De Micheli, on Channel 14, here at Rome, tonight — a transmission which will be aired again, tomorrow at Noon, and repeated on several other occasions. By Monday or Tuesday, it will be available on Rumble (HERE) and will publish the link. (Graphic c/o Channel 14 – Radio Roma TV (Website))

This interview represents the first time, at Rome, that the discussion of Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio, on Feb. 11, 2013, is confronted on the political level, with the proposal of our Committee being, to convince the Italian Parliament to open an investigation into the events of 2013 at the Vatican, on the grounds that, the Italian Republic, by means of its diplomatic agreements with Vatican City is obliged to recognize only the legitimate governments of that city state.

Our Committee proposes that each house of Parliament form an investigatory committee and hear public testimony, and if it be found, that there is any reasonable grounds to doubt that the government of Jorge Mario Bergoglio is legitimate, to ask the Catholic Bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Rome, to convene a Provincial Council, as they did at Sutri in 1046 A. D., to determine who is the true pope, and to depose the false claimant. As such, we advocate the protection of the rights of all parties, both in civil and ecclesiastical law via the public exposition of the truth, which can harm no one.

Needless to say, this program, and our committee understand that our effort on behalf of the rights of Catholics in Italy and throughout the world is of the utmost importance. And we ask the prayers and support of Catholics in all countries, as we seek a canonical resolution to this controversy. To support us, see here.

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6 thoughts on “Il Comitato per la Liberazione di Papa Benedetto XVI”

  1. EXTREMELY CREATIVE idea, and sound legal justification for the Italian government to act. This strategy has a reasonable chance of success, as I think the UN and the EU parliament could be kept from interfering with it. (Though the CIA will pressure the Italian parliament)

    This plan of action could work, and with more possibility of success than trying to form a Catholic political party and win (rigged) elections.

    1. One cannot compare the two objectives, since one has a simple solution and a sole problem, at its cause, while the other fights against an entire ruling class.

  2. La liberazione dell Italia dalle forze del male avverrà solo quando il vero unico PAPA BENEDETTO XVI riprenderà il posto che gli spetta sul soglio di Pietro

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