USA: GOP now accepts Sodomite Agenda – A Catholic can no longer vote GOP
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3 thoughts on “USA: GOP now accepts Sodomite Agenda – A Catholic can no longer vote GOP”

  1. American Christians should start “The Conservative Party” (but not label it “Christian,” so that sane, conservative non-Christians will join it) and nominate Trump as their presidential Candidate.

    The Republicans are not going to nominate Trump. Their loss would be our gain.

    1. Non-Christians are politically not capable of making the proper political choices to protect a Christian nation, because they will always surrender to Freemasonry one way or another. In fact, all non-catholic Churches are already under as much or greater masonic control, and so are all synagogues and mosques and temples. And it would be naive to think otherwise. Finally, since conservative is supposed to me conserving Christian Western civilization, how can someone who does not participate in that be a conservative?

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