Ukrainian Medics thank Cross Azure for life saving supplies

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It is a joy and consolation for me each day knowing that the organization I founded is helping save hundreds of lives on the Ukrainian Front, because of the generous volunteer work of a small band of modern day American Veterans and friends who travel the country distributing medical supplies, in part purchased by Cross Azure.

Here is a video which was shot in Ukraine last month, from a small group of medics who received the supplies we purchased.

This was made possible by all the readers of FromRome.Info who supported me since February, when I hitchhiked to Poland to help the victims of the war, and in particular of all the benefactors of the fund raiser for Ukrainian War Victims.

Those funds are now all spent, and no more good work can be done without new funds.

If you want to save a life or atone for your sins against the Lord Jesus, consider a generous donation today! I will personally see to it, in my capacity as president of Cross Azure, that your donations go to save lives.

Click here to make a donation via PayPal or via Bankwire in any one of 5 currencies:


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2 thoughts on “Ukrainian Medics thank Cross Azure for life saving supplies”

  1. And good news, but way late, from New Zealand: vaccine-mandates and virusrules ended.
    Would jacinda ardern (and all her partners in crime anywhere in the world) finally be brought to justice? Hopefully so!

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